3 Torneo Invierno de Ajedrez Alicante 2022

Alicante, from 01/28/2022 to 01/30/2022
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: AA Bendayan Claros, Aaron (3803392)
Rate of play: 60 minutos + 30 segundos por jugada desde el movimiento 1
Villa Universitaria /Av. Vicente Savall Pascual , 16 San Vicente de Raspeig.

Cabanyes Ortega, Juan Luis

Name Cabanyes Ortega, Juan Luis
Federation ESP
Starting rank 18
FIDE Rating 1758 2247801
National Rating 1752
Final Ranking 11
Points 4.5
FIDE Rating variation (K=20) 5.00
Rating Performance 1670

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=20)
1 13 W 45 Yanston, Kseniia
RUS 1081 0 2.0 1 1.60
2 2 B 2 Sanchez Serrano, Emilio
ESP 2076 2049 5.0 0 -2.60
3 10 W 34 Maestre Paya, Jose
ESP 1326 1328 2.5 1 1.60
4 9 B 28 Gonzalez Caceres, Lauren
ESP 1422 1426 3.5 1 2.60
5 4 B 3 Lloret Mauri, Jaime
ESP 2033 2036 5.0 0 -3.40
6 11 W 43 Gonzalez Salazar, Iker
ESP 1147 0 3.5 1 1.60
7 6 B 12 Amoros Moran, Jose Joaquin
ESP 1891 1896 4.5 0.5 3.60