Absoluto Palencia CTL 2024

Palencia, from 11/02/2024 to 11/24/2024

Chief Arbiter: Perez Mota, Victor ID 2261880
Rate of play: 60 minutes + 30 seconds per move

Gonzalez Guijas, Sergio

Name Gonzalez Guijas, Sergio
Federation ESP
Starting rank 3
FIDE Rating 1803 54538939
Final Ranking 1
Points 5.5
FIDE Rating variation (K=40) 68.40
Rating Performance 2028

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Pts. Res. Var. (K=40)
1 3 W 14 Alves Marques, Nicolas
ESP 0 1.5 1 0.00
2 3 B 9 Lopez Diez, Benito
ESP 1664 3.0 1 12.40
3 3 W 11 Urraca Salcedo, Marco Julian
ESP 1518 3.0 1 6.40
4 1 B 2 Ceinos Diez, Mariano
ESP 1850 4.0 0.5 2.80
5 1 W 4 Santamarta Marcos, Manuel L.
ESP 1775 4.0 1 18.40
6 1 B 1 Carrera Ruano, Luis Javier
ESP 1957 4.0 1 28.40