CE Sub 16 rápido 2019

Salobreña (Granada), from 2019-07-20 to 2019-07-21
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: IA Vicente Fernando Gomez Roca (2214954) Deputy Arbiters: AN Raquel Romero Martinez de Zabarte (24592587)
Rate of play: Rapid: 10 minutes with 5 seconds increment from move 1
Live games

Merlo Sanchez, Jose Manuel

Name Merlo Sanchez, Jose Manuel
Federation ESP
Starting rank 73
FIDE Rating 1497 32091567
National Rating 1648
Final Ranking 67
Points 5.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=20) 8.00
Rating Performance 1518

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=20)
1 73 B 151 Vela Adrian, Clara
ESP 0 1087 3.0 1 0.00
2 9 W 14 Arjol Lopez, Daniel
ESP 1783 2138 5.5 0 -3.20
3 52 B 143 Arenas Gracia, Daniel
ESP 1197 1572 4.0 1 3.00
4 19 W 30 Dominguez Laguna, Eduard
ESP 1682 1780 4.5 0.5 4.80
5 27 B 128 Perez Jimenez, Jose Manuel
ESP 1327 1690 4.0 0.5 -4.40
6 18 W 28 Escartin Lacasa, Jose
ESP 1688 2087 6.5 0 -5.00
7 45 B 129 Gil Ojeda, Lucia
ESP 1325 1543 3.5 1 5.40
8 30 W 42 Bosch Jorda, Ricard
ESP 1610 1947 4.0 1 13.00
9 21 B 32 Zheng, Hong Wei
ESP 1664 1897 6.0 0 -5.60