CE Sub 18 2024

Salobrena (Granada), from 07/29/2024 to 08/03/2024
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: IA Valhondo Morales, Ruben (22202692, ESP) Deputy Arbiters: IA De Prado Rodriguez, Oscar Bruno (2203600, ESP)
Rate of play: 90 min + 30 s/mov
Live games
Chess.com: https://www.chess.com/events/2024-spanish-chess-championship-u18 --- Lichess: https://lichess.org/broadcast/campeonato-de-espana-sub-18-2024/ronda-1/AoY3gxiQ
Comité de apelación

- Presidente: Delegado FEDA

- Titular 1: José Vicente Jiménez Martínez (CTM)
- Titular 2: Mikel Huerga Leache (NAV)

- Suplente 1: Enrique Gallardo (EXT)
- Suplente 2: Santiago Aguirre Guardo (CNT)

Gonzalez de Miguel Yataco, Migue

Name Gonzalez de Miguel Yataco, Migue
Federation AND
Starting rank 120
FIDE Rating 1894 54542413
Final Ranking 116
Points 4.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=40) -12.00
Rating Performance 1870

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Pts. Res. Var. (K=40)
1 23 W 23 CM Marin Ferragut, Pau
BAL 2211 6.0 0 -5.20
2 77 B 171 Conde Longo, Marcos
GAL 1703 3.0 1 10.00
3 46 W 59 Cernadas Camean, David
GAL 2078 6.0 0 -10.40
4 75 B 169 Barrios del Pozo, Oscar
AND 1715 3.5 1 10.80
5 48 W 70 Moll Gener, Joan
BAL 2034 5.0 0 -12.40
6 75 B 177 De Prada Quintana, Susana
EXT 1678 3.5 1 8.80
7 48 W 71 WFM Martinez Ramos, Paula
AST 2033 4.5 0 -12.40
8 71 B 164 Belda Martinez, Sergio
CTM 1740 3.5 1 11.60
9 48 W 73 Leone Amigot, Haymar
NAV 2027 5.0 0 -12.80