Campionato Galego Absoluto Open 2023

Padrón, from 04/06/2023 to 04/09/2023
Chief Arbiter: Francisco J. Ogando González A.I. 2258269 Deputy Arbiters: Natalia Outerelo Martinez A.A. ID:32038011
Rate of play: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move
Live games

Zapata Campos, Lidia Karen

Name WIM Zapata Campos, Lidia Karen
Federation ESP
Starting rank 15
FIDE Rating 2085 3801144
National Rating 0
Final Ranking 12
Points 5.5
FIDE Rating variation (K=20) 21.20
Rating Performance 2156

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=20)
1 15 W 65 Rey Aguino, Antonio Javier
ESP 1544 0 2.5 1 1.60
2 13 B 44 Gonzalez Taboada, Lorenzo
ESP 1801 0 4.5 1 3.20
3 11 W 36 Bouza-Brey Teijeiro, Gonzalo
ESP 1861 0 3.5 1 4.40
4 3 B 8 IM Rodriguez Lopez, Rafael
ESP 2188 0 5.0 1 12.80
5 1 W 2 FM Medarde Santiago, Luis Marcos
ESP 2399 0 7.0 0 -2.80
6 4 B 4 Carrera Perez, Francisco
ESP 2261 0 5.5 0.5 4.60
7 6 W 10 Sanroman Costas, Mauro
ESP 2132 0 5.5 0 -8.60
8 12 B 26 Alonso Rodriguez, Tristan
ESP 1934 0 4.5 1 6.00