
Players and standings for Ajedrez Marquiño

Pos. Ran. Tít. Nome Fed. Pts. DirE Cmlt BucT Buc1 FIDE Nac. FIDE ID ID Nac. Orixe/Club
23 26 Barral Lijo, Javier GAL 4,0 0.0 15.5 27.5 24.5 1912 1876 2201976 16197 Ajedrez Marquiño

Player pairings for Ajedrez Marquiño

Pairings of round 7 for Ajedrez Marquiño (2016-03-25 - 10:00)

M. Brancas Res. Negras Ver
18 Pena Varela, Martin 1693 GAL 0-1 Barral Lijo, Javier 1912 GAL

Pairings of round 6 for Ajedrez Marquiño (2016-03-24 - 17:00)

M. Brancas Res. Negras Ver
22 Barral Lijo, Javier 1912 GAL 1-0 Freire Boudon, Carlos 1477 ESP

Pairings of round 5 for Ajedrez Marquiño (2016-03-23 - 17:00)

M. Brancas Res. Negras Ver
15 Martinez Fernandez, David 1777 GAL 1-0 Barral Lijo, Javier 1912 GAL

Pairings of round 4 for Ajedrez Marquiño (2016-03-22 - 17:00)

M. Brancas Res. Negras Ver
9 Barral Lijo, Javier 1912 GAL 0-1 Garcia Sobrino, David 2121 GAL

Pairings of round 3 for Ajedrez Marquiño (2016-03-21 - 17:00)

M. Brancas Res. Negras Ver
9 Lopez Gonzalez, Alfonso 1865 GAL ½-½ Barral Lijo, Javier 1912 GAL

Pairings of round 2 for Ajedrez Marquiño (2016-03-20 - 17:00)

M. Brancas Res. Negras Ver
8 Barral Lijo, Javier 1912 GAL ½-½ Patino Romaris, Juan Roberto 2176 GAL

Pairings of round 1 for Ajedrez Marquiño (2016-03-19 - 17:00)

M. Brancas Res. Negras Ver
26 Garcia Mosquera, Pablo 1280 GAL 0-1 Barral Lijo, Javier 1912 GAL