CE Individual Sub 16 - 2018

Salobrena Granada, from 07/23/2018 to 07/28/2018
Chief Arbiter: Velasco Palmero, Rosa Deputy Arbiters: Montolio Benedicto, Cesar
Rate of play: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move

Ortin Blanco, Inigo

Name Ortin Blanco, Inigo
Federation ESP
Starting rank 9
FIDE Rating 2167 32010125
National Rating 2167
Final Ranking 4
Points 7.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=40) 60.40
Rating Performance 2287

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=40)
1 9 W 85 Gutierrez Guillen, Alvaro Jose
ESP 1715 1730 5.0 1 3.20
2 8 B 47 Guillo Longares, Cecilia
ESP 1916 1940 5.5 1 7.60
3 5 W 36 Lopez Mijail, Nicolas
ESP 1969 1998 4.5 1 9.60
4 5 B 37 Pujante Martinez, Rafael
ESP 1966 1966 4.0 1 9.60
5 1 W 2 FM Lianes Garcia, Marcos
ESP 2342 2349 7.5 0 -10.80
6 4 B 19 Perez Perez , Gabriel
ESP 2065 2060 6.0 0.5 -5.60
7 6 W 20 Moreno Alcaraz, Jose Javier
ESP 2060 2054 5.5 1 14.00
8 4 B 6 Sama Salinas, Hector
ESP 2243 2272 6.0 1 24.00
9 2 B 3 FM Gines Esteo, Pedro Antonio
ESP 2332 2372 7.5 0.5 8.80