CE Sub 18 - 2021

Salobreña, from 07/26/2021 to 07/31/2021
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: IA Valerio de la Cruz (22232583) Deputy Arbiters: AN Rakel Romero Martinez de Zabarte (24592587)
Rate of play: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move
Live games
Presidente :
Guillermo Barranco Serrano
Titulares :
Sergio Arias Torio (AST)
Antonio Rupérez Benito (CTL)
Reserva 1 : Juan Gayá Lladra (BAL)
Reserva 2 : Mikel Huerga Leache (NAV)

Cano Mateos, Pablo

Name Cano Mateos, Pablo
Federation ESP
Starting rank 91
FIDE Rating 1840 54536723
National Rating 1845
Final Ranking 27
Points 6.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=40) 135.60
Rating Performance 2109

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=40)
1 91 B 185 Prats Fares, Eluney
ESP 1097 1179 2.0 1 3.20
2 30 W 36 WFM Galvan Cipriani, Viviana
ESP 2071 2079 4.5 1 31.60
3 18 B 3 Cesar Maestre, Bernardo
ESP 2383 2388 5.5 0.5 16.80
4 14 W 22 Fernandez Garcia, Gumersindo
ESP 2145 2145 6.0 0.5 14.40
5 20 B 32 Ribera Veganzones, Josep Maria
AND 2087 2102 5.5 0 -7.60
6 35 W 54 Briand, Clara Helena
ESP 1968 2072 5.5 0 -13.20
7 39 W 37 Gomila Benejam, Teodoro
ESP 2045 2076 4.0 1 30.40
8 27 B 41 WFM Lorente Serrano, Rosa Adela
ESP 2022 2031 5.0 1 29.60
9 20 W 39 Perez Bolanos, David
ESP 2038 2076 5.0 1 30.40