CE Sub 18 - 2021

Salobreña, from 07/26/2021 to 07/31/2021
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: IA Valerio de la Cruz (22232583) Deputy Arbiters: AN Rakel Romero Martinez de Zabarte (24592587)
Rate of play: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move
Live games
Presidente :
Guillermo Barranco Serrano
Titulares :
Sergio Arias Torio (AST)
Antonio Rupérez Benito (CTL)
Reserva 1 : Juan Gayá Lladra (BAL)
Reserva 2 : Mikel Huerga Leache (NAV)

Santos Saura, Iobhar

Name Santos Saura, Iobhar
Federation ESP
Starting rank 129
FIDE Rating 1647 24519952
National Rating 1657
Final Ranking 121
Points 4.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=40) 46.80
Rating Performance 1744

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=40)
1 35 W 35 Serrano Almendros, Alejandro
ESP 2071 2086 5.5 0 -3.20
2 90 B 186 Cagigas Calvente, Fernando
ESP 1080 1102 3.0 1 3.20
3 58 W 89 Perez Garcia, Jimena
ESP 1843 1844 4.5 0.5 10.00
4 54 B 81 Reboredo Martinez, Claudio
ESP 1868 1856 4.0 0 -8.80
5 66 W 87 Calleja Gonzalez, Unai
ESP 1849 1848 5.5 0.5 10.40
6 56 B 37 Gomila Benejam, Teodoro
ESP 2045 2076 4.0 0 -3.20
7 75 W 154 Briand, Nicolas Emmanuel
ESP 1529 1419 3.5 1 13.60
8 58 B 59 Sanabria Taskila, Jenny Maria
ESP 1946 1955 4.0 1 34.00
9 50 W 85 Hernandez Guerra, Luna Yue
ESP 1857 1868 5.0 0 -9.20