
Players and standings for CA Zugzwang

Pos. Ran. Tít. Nome Fed. Pts. Buc1 BucT Cmlt S-B Mwns DirE FIDE Nac. FIDE ID ID Nac. Orixe/Club
4 8 Gomez Peco, David ESP 5,0 26.5 29.5 21.0 19.50 3 0.0 2096 2084 2278235 15526 CA Zugzwang
15 17 Castellanos Bogalo, Antonio ESP 4,0 22.5 24.5 17.0 11.00 4 0.0 1922 1917 2250837 13439 CA Zugzwang
39 38 Polaino Teran, Juan Luis ESP 1,0 16.0 17.5 6.0 2.50 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 CA Zugzwang

Player pairings for CA Zugzwang

Pairings of round 7 for CA Zugzwang (2019-07-07 - 15:30)

M. Brancas Res. Negras Ver
2 Gomez Peco, David 2096 ESP ½-½ Lopez Quevedo, Eduardo 2211 ESP
8 Sanchez Ruiz, Alberto 1702 ESP 0-1 Castellanos Bogalo, Antonio 1922 ESP
14 Polaino Teran, Juan Luis 0 ESP 0-1 Miclea, Vasile Adrian 1164 ESP

Pairings of round 6 for CA Zugzwang (2019-07-07 - 09:30)

M. Brancas Res. Negras Ver
4 FM Fernandez Barrera, Victor 2321 ESP --+ Gomez Peco, David 2096 ESP
7 Castellanos Bogalo, Antonio 1922 ESP 0-1 Alcoba, Pablo Alejandro 2090 ESP
16 Lara Mezcua, Alonso 1522 ESP 1-0 Polaino Teran, Juan Luis 0 ESP

Pairings of round 5 for CA Zugzwang (2019-07-06 - 16:30)

M. Brancas Res. Negras Ver
5 Lopez Quevedo, Eduardo 2211 ESP 1-0 Castellanos Bogalo, Antonio 1922 ESP
7 Gomez Peco, David 2096 ESP 1-0 Garcia-Ballesteros Banos, Juan A 1504 ESP
17 Lozano Toledo, Jesus 1360 ESP 1-0 Polaino Teran, Juan Luis 0 ESP

Pairings of round 4 for CA Zugzwang (2019-07-06 - 10:00)

M. Brancas Res. Negras Ver
3 Ramirez Diaz, Jose Ramon 2186 ESP 1-0 Gomez Peco, David 2096 ESP
7 Castellanos Bogalo, Antonio 1922 ESP 1-0 Dominguez Gutierrez, Juan Carlos 2046 ESP
15 Polaino Teran, Juan Luis 0 ESP 0-1 Romera Carrion, Ruben 1610 ESP

Pairings of round 3 for CA Zugzwang (2019-07-05 - 16:30)

M. Brancas Res. Negras Ver
2 Gomez Peco, David 2096 ESP ½-½ FM Jimenez Martinez, Jose Vicente 2256 ESP
12 Lara Mezcua, Alonso 1522 ESP 0-1 Castellanos Bogalo, Antonio 1922 ESP
13 Polaino Teran, Juan Luis 0 ESP 0-1 Monreal Bejarano, Luis Miguel 1866 ESP

Pairings of round 2 for CA Zugzwang (2019-07-05 - 10:00)

M. Brancas Res. Negras Ver
7 Castellanos Bogalo, Antonio 1922 ESP 0-1 Gomez Peco, David 2096 ESP
20 Polaino Teran, Juan Luis 0 ESP +  

Pairings of round 1 for CA Zugzwang (2019-07-04 - 17:00)

M. Brancas Res. Negras Ver
8 Gomez Peco, David 2096 ESP 1-0 Campillo Ortega, Jose Manuel 1599 ESP
17 Martinez Morales, Antonio 0 ESP 0-1 Castellanos Bogalo, Antonio 1922 ESP
18 Canizares Cuadra, Pedro 1906 ESP 1-0 Polaino Teran, Juan Luis 0 ESP