Cto de España Individual Absoluto y Femenino

Linares. Jaen., from 08/20/2018 to 08/28/2018
Chief Arbiter: SAgrario Rodriguez Aguilar AI 32012454 Deputy Arbiters: Ismael Nieto Gonzalez AI 2266385
Rate of play: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move

Castellanos Gomez, Alejandro

Name FM Castellanos Gomez, Alejandro
Federation ESP
Starting rank 32
FIDE Rating 2320 22284141
National Rating 2315
Final Ranking 70
Points 4.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=20) -51.00
Rating Performance 2086

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=20)
1 32 W 95 Badillo Ramos, Steve
ESP 1901 1898 4.0 1 1.60
2 1 B 1 GM Anton Guijarro, David
ESP 2652 2647 6.0 0 -2.60
3 25 W 68 Fernandez Montero, Francisco M.
ESP 2046 2054 4.0 1 3.40
4 22 B 59 FM Roldan Marques, Daniel
ESP 2161 2131 5.0 0 -14.20
5 24 W 64 Arroyo Rodriguez, Jesus
ESP 2099 2109 4.5 0.5 -5.60
6 27 W 61 Cuevas Fernandez, Jose Alberto
ESP 2147 2132 5.0 0 -14.60
7 39 B 83 Antunez Munoz, Ines
ESP 1956 1966 3.5 1 2.00
8 27 W 67 Perez Perez, Gabriel
ESP 2058 2057 4.5 0.5 -6.40
9 25 B 62 Gomez Sanjuan, Hector Fernando
ESP 2146 2149 5.0 0 -14.60