Cto de España Individual Absoluto y Femenino

Linares. Jaen., from 08/20/2018 to 08/28/2018
Chief Arbiter: SAgrario Rodriguez Aguilar AI 32012454 Deputy Arbiters: Ismael Nieto Gonzalez AI 2266385
Rate of play: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move

Domingo Nunez, Ruben

Name FM Domingo Nunez, Ruben
Federation ESP
Starting rank 34
FIDE Rating 2318 22245570
National Rating 2342
Final Ranking 18
Points 6.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=20) 29.00
Rating Performance 2420

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=20)
1 34 W 97 Maranon Canton, Antonio
ESP 1868 1885 4.0 1 1.60
2 3 B 3 GM Perez Candelario, Manuel
ESP 2611 2608 6.5 0 -3.00
3 27 W 73 Samuel Lares, Jairo
ESP 2006 2026 4.5 1 2.80
4 23 B 60 Lopez Guerrero, Jose Miguel
ESP 2148 2147 3.0 1 5.60
5 10 W 18 FM Tejedor Fuente, Enrique
ESP 2408 2408 6.5 0.5 2.40
6 15 B 25 FM Montero Melendez, Rafael
ESP 2367 2362 5.5 0.5 1.40
7 12 W 17 IM Garza Marco, Sergio
ESP 2414 2417 5.0 1 12.60
8 7 B 21 IM Vega Gutierrez, Sabrina
ESP 2390 2380 6.0 0.5 2.00
9 11 W 13 IM Moreno Ruiz, Javier
ESP 2450 2459 5.5 0.5 3.60