Cto de España Individual Absoluto y Femenino

Linares. Jaen., from 08/20/2018 to 08/28/2018
Chief Arbiter: SAgrario Rodriguez Aguilar AI 32012454 Deputy Arbiters: Ismael Nieto Gonzalez AI 2266385
Rate of play: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move

Matnadze, Ana

Name IM Matnadze, Ana
Federation ESP
Starting rank 22
FIDE Rating 2378 13601377
National Rating 2367
Final Ranking 23
Points 6.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=10) 2.80
Rating Performance 2387

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=10)
1 22 W 85 Rodriguez Del Cerro, Ricardo
ESP 1953 1965 4.5 1 0.80
2 21 B 51 Rodriguez Perez, Angel Mariano
ESP 2223 2219 4.5 0.5 -2.10
3 18 W 59 FM Roldan Marques, Daniel
ESP 2161 2131 5.0 0.5 -2.80
4 17 B 48 Silva Rodriguez, Fernando
ESP 2239 2226 5.0 0.5 -1.90
5 20 W 56 Garcia Garcia, Adrian Antonio
ESP 2179 2199 5.0 1 2.40
6 11 W 12 IM Huerga Leache, Mikel
ESP 2451 2457 5.5 1 6.00
7 5 B 15 IM Cruz Lledo, Pablo
ESP 2432 2415 6.0 0.5 0.80
8 8 B 53 WFM Kolotilina, Liudmila
ESP 2216 2238 5.5 0.5 -2.10
9 7 W 8 GM Arizmendi Martinez, Julen Luis
ESP 2507 2510 6.0 0.5 1.70