I Open Int. sub2200 Hotel Vertice Bormujos

Bormujos, from 08/31/2018 to 09/02/2018
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: IA Nieto Gonzalez Ismael 2266385 Deputy Arbiters: Samuel Lares, Jairo 32047100
Rate of play: 80 minutes + 10 seconds per move

Pozo Prior, Jose Antonio

Name Pozo Prior, Jose Antonio
Federation ESP
Starting rank 38
FIDE Rating 1802 32047657
National Rating 1816
Final Ranking 19
Points 5.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=40) -4.80
Rating Performance 1742

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=40)
1 38 W 101 Molina Ortega, Carlos
ESP 1253 1258 2.0 0 -36.80
2 35 B 91 Dhanwani, Aditya
ENG 1449 0 3.5 1 4.40
3 31 W 78 Moreno Bello, Miguel
ESP 1586 1615 3.0 0 -31.20
4 34 B 82 Clarambo Torres, Diego
ESP 1564 1727 2.5 1 8.00
5 26 W 67 Hernandez Tellez, Claudia
ESP 1635 1642 4.0 1 11.20
6 22 B 61 Marquez Polvillo, Bartolome
ESP 1694 1743 4.0 1 14.00
7 14 W 25 Munoz Alonso, Jesus
ESP 1907 1936 4.0 1 25.60