I Torneo internacional de Aranjuez

Aranjuez, from 09/09/2022 to 09/11/2022
Chief Arbiter: Luis Mansilla Tolosa
Rate of play: 60 minutes + 30 seconds per move

Mata Medina, Andres

Name Mata Medina, Andres
Birthday 2010
Federation ESP
Starting rank 66
FIDE Rating 1442 54591945
National Rating 1484
Final Ranking 90
Points 2.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=40) -11.20
Rating Performance 1490

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=40)
1 9 W 9 FM Alcazar Jimenez, Jesus Alberto
ESP 2144 2159 4.5 0.5 16.80
2 52 --             = 0.00
3 53 --             = 0.00
4 24 B 42 Barragan Arriaza, Pablo
ESP 1805 1915 4.5 0 -4.00
5 35 B 52 Torres Rebolledo, Marcos
ESP 1609 1649 3.5 0.5 8.80
6 35 W 85 Olias Rincon, Ines
ESP 1176 1236 3.0 0 -32.80
7 55 --             0 0.00