I Torneo internacional de Aranjuez

Aranjuez, from 09/09/2022 to 09/11/2022
Chief Arbiter: Luis Mansilla Tolosa
Rate of play: 60 minutes + 30 seconds per move

Rodriguez Rodriguez, Miguel

Name Rodriguez Rodriguez, Miguel
Birthday 1984
Federation ESP
Starting rank 16
FIDE Rating 2069 22236856
National Rating 2109
Final Ranking 27
Points 4.5
FIDE Rating variation (K=20) -11.60
Rating Performance 1933

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=20)
1 44 --             = 0.00
2 22 W 59 Barbas, Fernando
FRA 1507 1540 2.5 1 1.60
3 12 B 35 Calvo Gutierrez, Hector
ESP 1837 1858 4.0 0 -15.80
4 21 W 50 Sanchez Pablo, Jorge
ESP 1680 1730 3.0 1 1.80
5 13 B 38 Vinas Blasco, Jorge
ESP 1825 1865 4.0 1 4.00
6 8 W 40 Torres Rebolledo, Alvaro
ESP 1811 1851 3.5 1 3.60
7 7 B 6 Alvarez Serrano, Carlos
ESP 2188 2205 5.0 0 -6.80