Player information
Federation filter: BUL CPV CUB ESP ITA All
Origin filter: 64 Villalba Alex. Boveda Alex. Boveda vet Ames Xadrez Ames Xadrez sub14 CA Temple Ponferrada CEX Sigras CEX Sigras vet CEXC CEXC sub14 CEXC vet CX Arteixo sub14 CX Benchoshey CX Benchoshey sub14 CX Naron sub14 Circulo Chantadino Circulo Ferrolan Club Algalia Club EXA Club EXA vet ETX Coruna ETX Coruna sub14 EX Compostela sub14 EX Pontevedra EX Pontevedra sub14 Ebano sub14 Escola Luguesa Escola Luguesa vet Grupo Bazan Liceo Ourense Macondo Macondo vet Marquino Marquino sub14 Mirko Mirko sub14 Smyslov Sada sub14 USC XOT Xiria Carb sub14 Xadrez Naron Xadrez Oroso sub14 Xadrez Ou Univ Xadrez Ou Univ vet Xadrez Ourense Xadrez Ourense sub14 Xadrez Padron Xadrez Rianxo Xadrez Rianxo vet Xadrez das Marinas All
Players and standings for Xadrez Padron sub14
Pos. | Ran. | Tit. | Name | Fed. | Pts. | DE | GE | APRO | BH | WON | FIDE | FIDE ID | Origin |
Player pairings for Xadrez Padron sub14
Pairings of round 8 for Xadrez Padron sub14 (2024-12-01 - 19:00) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
Pairings of round 7 for Xadrez Padron sub14 (2024-12-01 - 18:15) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
Pairings of round 6 for Xadrez Padron sub14 (2024-12-01 - 17:30) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
Pairings of round 5 for Xadrez Padron sub14 (2024-12-01 - 16:45) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
Pairings of round 4 for Xadrez Padron sub14 (2024-12-01 - 16:00) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
Pairings of round 3 for Xadrez Padron sub14 (2024-12-01 - 12:45) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
Pairings of round 2 for Xadrez Padron sub14 (2024-12-01 - 12:00) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
Pairings of round 1 for Xadrez Padron sub14 (2024-12-01 - 11:15) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black |