II Torneo Concello de Cerceda

Cerceda, from 10/01/2017 to 10/01/2017

Chief Arbiter: De Prado Rodriguez, Oscar Bruno 2203600
Rate of play: 10 minutes + 2 seconds per move

Freire Boudon, Carlos

Name Freire Boudon, Carlos
Federation ESP
Starting rank 31
FIDE Rating 1442 22211845
National Rating 0
Final Ranking 33
Points 3.5
FIDE Rating variation (K=20) -33.60
Rating Performance 1317

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=20)
1 3 B 3 IM Gonzalez Perez, Arian
FID 2401 0 5.0 0 -1.60
2 17 W 44 Duarte Prieto, Artai
ESP 1116 0 3.0 0 -17.40
3 23 B 49 Fraga Lamas, Tatiana Maria
ESP 0 0 2.0 1 0.00
4 19 W 46 Rama Rodriguez, Alejandro
ESP 1029 0 3.0 1 1.60
5 18 B 43 Seijas Otero, Ana Belen
ESP 1152 0 3.0 0 -16.80
6 20 W 40 Longueira Alonso, Breixo
ESP 1215 0 2.0 1 4.20
7 17 B 38 Alonso Rodriguez, Tristan
ESP 1307 0 3.5 0.5 -3.60