Roquetas Chess Festival 2022 - XXXIII International Open (274685)

Roquetas de Mar, from 01/04/2022 to 01/09/2022
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: IA Zaiats, Vladimir (14109344) Deputy Arbiters: FA Rubio Doblas, Fco Javier (2221160)
Rate of play: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move
Live games
Arbiters: IA Maldonado Valdivia, G., FA Valhondo Morales, R., NA Samuel Lares, J., AA Volkov, Vladimir, AAP Cabrera Valverde, J. D., AAP Flores Gomez, M. A.
Appeals Committee:

Garrido Fernandez, Javier
GM Vazquez Schroeder, Rodrigo
IM Sosa, Tomas
IM Espinosa Aranda, Angel
Serrano Almendros, Alejandro

Aledo Yanguas, David

Name Aledo Yanguas, David
Birthday 2003
Federation ESP
Starting rank 111
FIDE Rating 1936 22287108
National Rating 1909
Final Ranking 98
Points 4.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=20) -9.80
Rating Performance 1881

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=20)
1 31 B 32 IM Merario Alarcon, Andres
ESP 2408 2428 5.5 0 -1.60
2 74 W 154 Pro Gil, Vicente
ESP 1468 1420 3.0 0.5 -8.40
3 63 B 130 Garcia Sanz, Eduardo
ESP 1776 1777 3.0 1 5.80
4 42 W 61 FM Lopez Gonzalez, Daniel
ESP 2202 2178 5.5 0.5 6.40
5 47 B 75 Garrido Diaz, Ernesto
ESP 2142 1984 5.0 0 -4.80
6 61 W 152 Chekanov, Timur
RUS 1491 0 2.5 1 1.60
7 45 B 77 WFM Rodriguez Redondo, Adhara
ESP 2112 1861 5.0 0 -5.40
8 54 W 140 Jimenez Freniche, David
ESP 1693 1726 3.0 1 4.00
9 42 B 94 Garcia Fernandez, Victor
ESP 2030 1994 5.0 0 -7.40