Interprovincial Equipos Blitz 2024

Burgos, from 03/10/2024 to 03/10/2024

Chief Arbiter: Fernandez Perez Adrian Francisc 24524735
Rate of play: 4 minutes + 2 s/move

Macias de Castro, Alberto

Team Club Ajedrez Promesas "A"
Board number 1
Name Macias de Castro, Alberto
Federation ESP
FIDE Rating 1796 24530557
National Rating 0
Points 5
FIDE Rating variation (K=40) 41.20
Rd. Brd. Col. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=40)
1 1 W Altelarrea Hernando, Rodrigo
C.D. En Jaque "B"
ESP 1612 0 2 0 -29.60
2 1 B Perez Mota, Victor
ESP 1743 0 3 1 17.20
3 1 W Garuz Milla, Mariano
Club Ajedrez Promesas "B"
ESP 1665 0 2 1 12.80
4 1 B Barrio Sanchez, Oscar
C.D. En Jaque "C"
ESP 1585 0 3 1 9.20
5 1 B Martin Garcia, Luis
Club Reina Juana
ESP 1790 0 4 1 19.60
6 1 W Minguela Nunez, Jesus Angel
C.D. En Jaque "A"
ESP 1645 0 1 1 12.00