V Open Internacional RGCC

Gijon, from 07/22/2019 to 07/28/2019
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: FA Gonzalez Pruneda, Arturo 2256860 Deputy Arbiters: FA Marino Bravo, Marco Antonio 2206277
Rate of play: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move
Live games

Bobadilla Viera, Jorge Samuel

Name IM Bobadilla Viera, Jorge Samuel
Federation VEN
Starting rank 17
FIDE Rating 2381 3906353
National Rating 2323
Final Ranking 24
Points 6.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=20) -2.80
Rating Performance 2356

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=20)
1 14 W 72 Vega Viejo, Marcelino
ESP 2117 2109 4.5 1 3.60
2 11 B 53 FM Naslund, Mikael
SWE 2168 2168 5.5 1 4.60
3 7 W 87 Lobo Rodriguez, Jesus Angel
ESP 2060 2050 5.5 0.5 -7.40
4 3 B 1 GM Cruz, Cristhian
PER 2562 2544 7.0 0 -5.20
5 17 W 62 Ruperez, Miguel
ARG 2146 2160 5.0 1 4.20
6 12 B 38 FM Rego, Pedro Filipe
POR 2249 2270 6.0 1 6.40
7 6 W 9 GM Gascon Del Nogal, Jose Rafael
VEN 2466 2448 7.5 0 -7.60
8 14 B 49 Borges, Guilherme Deola
BRA 2176 2174 6.0 0.5 -5.20
9 18 W 68 Cuevas Fernandez, Jose Alberto
ESP 2135 2129 5.0 1 3.80