V Open Internacional RGCC

Gijon, from 07/22/2019 to 07/28/2019
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: FA Gonzalez Pruneda, Arturo 2256860 Deputy Arbiters: FA Marino Bravo, Marco Antonio 2206277
Rate of play: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move
Live games

Fonseca, Pedro Miguel Ramos

Name Fonseca, Pedro Miguel Ramos
Federation POR
Starting rank 171
FIDE Rating 1663 1955624
National Rating 1663
Final Ranking 143
Points 4.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=40) -12.80
Rating Performance 1635

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=40)
1 55 B 116 Dumont, Andre
BEL 1948 1948 0.0 + 0.00
2 71 B 112 Maquieira Vidal, Alvaro
ESP 1962 1912 4.5 0 -6.00
3 72 W 125 Bombin Pinera, Dionisio
ESP 1901 1893 4.0 0.5 12.00
4 63 B 84 WFM Froewis, Annika
AUT 2074 2074 6.0 0 -3.20
5 91 W 215 Ingunza Curro, Alvaro
ESP 1142 1196 3.5 1 3.20
6 59 B 90 Goiria Egidazu, Jon Asel
ESP 2056 2066 5.5 0 -3.20
7 68 W 124 Gonzalez Regueiro, Rodrigo
ESP 1904 1875 4.5 0 -8.00
8 90 B 206 Alonso Rodriguez, Tristan
ESP 1339 1375 3.5 0.5 -14.80
9 87 W 201 Lasierra Arceiz, Javier
ESP 1404 1422 3.0 1 7.20