V Torneo De Nadal Xadrez Mos Sub-2200

Mos, from 2018-12-29 to 2018-12-30
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: IA Evaristo Rodríguez López
Rate of play: 60 minutes + 30 seconds per move
Lugar de juego: Centro Dotacional do Medio Rural, Torroso - Mos
1º 200€ + trofeo
2º 150€ + trofeo
3º 100€ + trofeo
1º Sub-1600: 50€ + trofeo
1ª Femenino: 50€ + trofeo
1º Sub-12: premio especial + trofeo
1º Sub-10: premio especial + trofeo

Player information

Players and standings for Ramiro Sabell

Pos. Ran. Tit. Name Fed. Pts. DirE Buc1 BucT Mwns APRO FIDE Nat. FIDE ID NAT ID Origin
65 44 Herrera Saavedra, Andre ESP 2.5 0.0 16.5 18.0 2 1285.3 1267 1251 54537690 34359 Ramiro Sabell
89 93 Souto Corredoura, Hugo ESP 1.5 1.0 12.5 14.0 1 1145.4 0 0 54581460 0 Ramiro Sabell

Player pairings for Ramiro Sabell

Pairings of round 6 for Ramiro Sabell (2018-12-30 - 18:30)

Brd. White Res. Black
25 Herrera Saavedra, Andre 1267 ESP 0-1 Perez Estevez, Sergio 1055 ESP
40 Souto Corredoura, Hugo 0 ESP 0-1 Lomba Adrover, Samuel 0 ESP

Pairings of round 5 for Ramiro Sabell (2018-12-30 - 15:15)

Brd. White Res. Black
32 Vieito Perez, Lucia 0 ESP 0-1 Herrera Saavedra, Andre 1267 ESP
46 Represas Bastos, Jose Carlos 0 ESP 0-1 Souto Corredoura, Hugo 0 ESP

Pairings of round 4 for Ramiro Sabell (2018-12-30 - 10:00)

Brd. White Res. Black
22 Alvarez Fernandez, Jesus 1613 ESP 1-0 Herrera Saavedra, Andre 1267 ESP
43 Souto Corredoura, Hugo 0 ESP 0-1 Perez Estevez, Sergio 1055 ESP

Pairings of round 3 for Ramiro Sabell (2018-12-29 - 18:30)

Brd. White Res. Black
14 Herrera Saavedra, Andre 1267 ESP 0-1 Cabanas Lopez, Manuel Anxo 1461 ESP
39 del Valle Crespo, Javier 1159 ESP 1-0 Souto Corredoura, Hugo 0 ESP

Pairings of round 2 for Ramiro Sabell (2018-12-29 - 15:15)

Brd. White Res. Black
13 Conde Riveiro, Xacobe 1683 ESP ½-½ Herrera Saavedra, Andre 1267 ESP
42 Souto Corredoura, Hugo 0 ESP ½-½ Rodriguez Velasco, Alicia 1003 ESP

Pairings of round 1 for Ramiro Sabell (2018-12-29 - 10:15)

Brd. White Res. Black
38 Herrera Saavedra, Andre 1267 ESP 1-0 Represas Bastos, Jose Carlos 0 ESP
40 Roman Chaves, Luis 1247 ESP 1-0 Souto Corredoura, Hugo 0 ESP