VI Vila de Noia absoluto

Noia - A Coruna, del 2023-09-10 al 2023-09-10
Official website
Árbitro: AF de Prado Rodriguez, Oscar Bruno 2203600
Ritmo de xogo: 10 minutes + 3 seconds per move
VI Torneo Vila de Noia absoluto


Players and standings for E Culleredo

Pos. Ran. Tít. Nome Fed. Pts. DirE BH-C1 BH APRO FIDE Nac. FIDE ID ID Nac. Orixe/Club
15 15 Gonzalez-Chas Pico, Matias Xose ESP 3,5 0.0 19.0 20.5 1314 1396 0 22258515 0 E Culleredo

Player pairings for E Culleredo

Pairings of round 7 for E Culleredo (2023-09-10 - 17:45)

M. Brancas Res. Negras
9 Gonzalez-Chas Pico, Matias Xose 1396 ESP 1-0 Calvo Vieito, Roberto 1210 ESP

Pairings of round 6 for E Culleredo (2023-09-10 - 17:00)

M. Brancas Res. Negras
7 Gonzalez-Chas Pico, Matias Xose 1396 ESP 0-1 Vazquez Alonso, Miguel Angel 1717 ESP

Pairings of round 5 for E Culleredo (2023-09-10 - 16:15)

M. Brancas Res. Negras
10 Fernandez Vicente, Santiago 0 ESP 0-1 Gonzalez-Chas Pico, Matias Xose 1396 ESP

Pairings of round 4 for E Culleredo (2023-09-10 - 13:15)

M. Brancas Res. Negras
7 Gonzalez-Chas Pico, Matias Xose 1396 ESP 0-1 Calvo Miguez, Sergio 1421 ESP

Pairings of round 3 for E Culleredo (2023-09-10 - 12:·30)

M. Brancas Res. Negras
11 Camean Paz, M Teresa 1108 ESP 0-1 Gonzalez-Chas Pico, Matias Xose 1396 ESP

Pairings of round 2 for E Culleredo (2023-09-10 - 11:45)

M. Brancas Res. Negras
8 Gonzalez-Chas Pico, Matias Xose 1396 ESP 0-1 Gomez Villaverde, Jose Antonio 1499 ESP

Pairings of round 1 for E Culleredo (2023-09-10 - 11:00)

M. Brancas Res. Negras
2 Garcia Brion, Alfonso 1883 ESP ½-½ Gonzalez-Chas Pico, Matias Xose 1396 ESP