Burjassot, from 2019-09-06 to 2019-10-25
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: Francisco Sanchez Villanueva telf: 687365791
Rate of play: 60 minutos + 30 segundos por movimiento
Local de juego: Centro Cultural TIVOLI Calle: José Carsi 50, Burjassot (Valencia).

Pena Rubio, Cesar

Name Pena Rubio, Cesar
Federation ESP
Starting rank 17
FIDE Rating 1783 2250101
National Rating 1801
Final Ranking 24
Points 4.5
FIDE Rating variation (K=20) -2.20
Rating Performance 1758

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=20)
1 15 B 74 Lopez Benlloch, Vicente
ESP 1476 1472 3.5 1 2.80
2 54 --             = 0.00
3 12 W 53 Gasco Navarro, Miguel Angel
ESP 1575 1584 3.5 1 4.60
4 53 --             = 0.00
5 8 B 39 Jimenez Garcia, Juan
ESP 1653 1619 5.0 0 -13.60
6 16 W 41 Donate Moreno, David
ESP 1639 1638 4.0 1 6.20
7 9 B 27 Donate Moreno, Silvia
ESP 1704 1714 4.5 0.5 -2.20