World Cadets Chess Championships 2018 U10 Open

Santiago, from 11/04/2018 to 11/15/2018
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: Panagiotis Nikolopoulos AI 4226070 Deputy Arbiters: Javier Perez Llera AI 2297868
Rate of play: 90min/40moves+30min/end+30sec per move from 1st
Live games

Yuen, Noah Nathaniel

Name Yuen, Noah Nathaniel
Federation CAN
Starting rank 132
FIDE Rating 1364 2627353
National Rating 0
Final Ranking 128
Points 5.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=40) 28.80
Rating Performance 1439

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=40)
1 30 W 30 Xu, Daniel
CAN 1854 0 7.5 0 -3.20
2 88 B 187 Michishita, Noah
HKG 1050 0 4.0 1 5.60
3 49 W 54 von Mettenheim, Johannes
GER 1718 0 6.5 0 -4.40
4 78 B 183 Santos Sagastume, Paolo Andres
GUA 1077 0 4.0 1 6.40
5 50 W 66 Colev, Ivor
CRO 1655 0 6.0 0.5 14.00
6 59 B 98 Koota, Ilkka
FIN 1554 0 5.0 0.5 10.00
7 56 W 90 Krawczyk, Flawian
POL 1579 0 6.5 0 -9.20
8 72 B 161 Marinc, Primoz
SLO 1228 0 5.5 0.5 -7.20
9 63 W 94 John Veny Akkarakaran
IND 1563 0 5.0 0.5 10.40
10 59 B 40 Walbrecht, Quirin
GER 1794 0 5.5 0 -3.20
11 74 W 174 Senekal, Frederick Petrus
RSA 1159 0 4.0 1 9.60