XI Trofeo Ajedrez Feria Ciudad de Toledo

Toledo, from 2019-08-18 to 2019-08-18
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: Antonio Ugarte de Rueda (AF) 22248579 Deputy Arbiters: Miguel A. Martin (AA ) y Ruben Crespo (AA)
Rate of play: 12 minutes + 3 seconds per move
Organiza: Club Ajedrez C. Toledo
Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Toledo
Hotel Zentral Mayoral
Valedero XII Circuito Provincial Ajedrez Toledo

Player information

Players and standings for Rivas Vaciamadrd

Pos. Ran. Tit. Name Fed. Pts. DirE Buc1 BucT Cmlt Mwns FIDE Nat. FIDE ID NAT ID Origin
44 34 S16 Rojo Jorge, Luis ESP 3.5 0.0 21.0 22.5 14.5 3 1466 0 24504793 0 Rivas Vaciamadrd

Player pairings for Rivas Vaciamadrd

Pairings of round 7 for Rivas Vaciamadrd (2019-08-18 - 14:00)

Brd. White Res. Black
18 Gomez Dorado, Ernesto 1813 ESP 1-0 S16 Rojo Jorge, Luis 1466 ESP

Pairings of round 6 for Rivas Vaciamadrd (2019-08-18 - 13:15)

Brd. White Res. Black
20 S16 Rojo Jorge, Luis 1466 ESP 1-0 Campos Tores, Jose Luis 1760 ESP

Pairings of round 5 for Rivas Vaciamadrd (2019-08-18 - 12:30)

Brd. White Res. Black
25 S16 Olias Rincon, Raul 1298 ESP ½-½ S16 Rojo Jorge, Luis 1466 ESP

Pairings of round 4 for Rivas Vaciamadrd (2019-08-18 - 11:45)

Brd. White Res. Black
27 S16 Rojo Jorge, Luis 1466 ESP 1-0 Ramirez Nebot, Eneas 1088 ESP

Pairings of round 3 for Rivas Vaciamadrd (2019-08-18 - 11:00)

Brd. White Res. Black
24 Jimenez Lopez, Francisco 1236 ESP 1-0 S16 Rojo Jorge, Luis 1466 ESP

Pairings of round 2 for Rivas Vaciamadrd (2019-08-18 - 10:15)

Brd. White Res. Black
9 S16 Rojo Jorge, Luis 1466 ESP 0-1 Ruiz Martin, Juan 2002 ESP

Pairings of round 1 for Rivas Vaciamadrd (2019-08-18 - 09:30)

Brd. White Res. Black
33 S08 Castano Heredia, Miguel 0 ESP 0-1 S16 Rojo Jorge, Luis 1466 ESP