XIV Torneo Blitz Nocturno Gran Hotel Bali 2023

Hotel Bali - Benidorm (Alicante - SPAIN), from 12/06/2023 to 12/07/2023
Official website
Chief Arbiter: IA Arranz Martín, Pablo A. (22218739)
Rate of play: 3 minutes + 2 seconds per move
Organizador / Director del torneo: Luis Barona Boj (22239030)
Árbitro Principal: IA Pablo Arranz Martin
Árbitros Adjuntos: IA Vicente Gómez Roca, IA Eduardo López Rodríguez
Árbitros Auxiliares: FA Rafael del Valle Domench, NA Juan José Llavador Morón, NA Aaron Bendayán Claros, NA Juan Pedro Magdaleno Puche, NA Nerea Pastor Jordá

Ponce Isach,Pablo

Name Ponce Isach,Pablo
Federation ESP
Starting rank 201
FIDE Rating 1224 94714223
National Rating 0
Final Ranking 178
Points 3.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=40) 47.20
Rating Performance 1471

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=40)
1 90 W 90 Urena Casacuberta,Lluis
ESP 1891 0 4.0 0 -3.20
2 92 B 139 Morales Anadon,Tomas
ESP 1666 0 3.0 0 -3.20
3 98 W 169 Zubizarreta Landera,Maddi
ESP 1495 0 1.0 1 33.20
4 86 B 133 Erades Berenguer,Ana
ESP 1693 0 4.0 0 -3.20
5 96 W 159 Valverde Lopez,Francisco Leopol
ESP 1558 0 2.0 0 -5.20
6 100 B 175 Redford,Matthew
ENG 1467 0 3.0 1 32.00
7 88 W 161 Osuna Smyshlyayev,Ivan
ESP 1546 0 2.0 + 0.00
8 79 B 145 Butragueno Nieto,Jorge
ESP 1636 0 4.0 0 -3.20