Caudete, from 2024-07-27 to 2024-07-27

Chief Arbiter: Lara Granero, Bio (2278286, ) Deputy Arbiters: Gil Gonzalez, Juan Francisco (22223487, )
Rate of play: 10 minutes + 5 seconds per move

Player information

Players and standings for Els Voltors

Pos. Ran. Tit. Name Fed. Pts. BH-C1 BH APRO WIN User FIDE FIDE ID Origin
10 17 Sisternes Morales, Francisco GEN 5.0 27.5 28.5 1733 5 0.0 1722 2251299 Els Voltors
18 41 Hernandez Sanchez, Roman GEN 4.0 25.5 25.5 1565 4 0.0 1443 94796874 Els Voltors
31 32 Lopez Ballester, Victor GEN 3.5 23.0 25.5 1629 3 0.0 1509 94796866 Els Voltors
55 54 Lopez Ballester, Pablo GEN 2.0 17.0 17.0 1344 2 0.0 0 523066113 Els Voltors

Player pairings for Els Voltors

Pairings of round 7 for Els Voltors

Brd. White Res. Black
6 Perez Diaz, Jesus 1977 GEN 0-1 Sisternes Morales, Francisco 1722 GEN
14 Pascual Quiralte, Pablo 1585 GEN 0-1 Hernandez Sanchez, Roman 1443 GEN
16 Lopez Ballester, Victor 1509 GEN ½-½ Alborch Herrero, Alen 0 GEN
29 Lopez Ballester, Pablo 0 GEN 1-0 Gandia Moreno, Miguel Angel 0 LOC

Pairings of round 6 for Els Voltors

Brd. White Res. Black
10 Garceran Perez, Alejandro 1725 GEN 1-0 Lopez Ballester, Victor 1509 GEN
11 Sisternes Morales, Francisco 1722 GEN 1-0 Melero Azorin, Pablo 1411 GEN
14 Hernandez Sanchez, Roman 1443 GEN 0-1 Ruiz Martinez, Juan 1608 GEN
27 Ahmed Hadzhimehmed, Naim Ezel 0 GEN 1-0 Lopez Ballester, Pablo 0 GEN

Pairings of round 5 for Els Voltors

Brd. White Res. Black
9 Jimenez Moreno, Gabriel 1903 GEN 1-0 Hernandez Sanchez, Roman 1443 GEN
13 Sisternes Morales, Francisco 1722 GEN 1-0 Molina Azorin, Juan Carlos 1494 GEN
20 Lopez Ballester, Victor 1509 GEN 1-0 Lopez Gimenez, Joaquin 0 LOC
30 Lopez Ballester, Pablo 0 GEN 1-0 Navarro Gonzalez, Nerea 0 LOC

Pairings of round 4 for Els Voltors

Brd. White Res. Black
8 Cordoba Picazo, Manuel Javier 1927 GEN 1-0 Lopez Ballester, Victor 1509 GEN
12 Hernandez Sanchez, Roman 1443 GEN 1-0 de la Torre Martinez, Alex 1618 GEN
18 Gandia Moreno, Miguel Angel 0 LOC 0-1 Sisternes Morales, Francisco 1722 GEN
28 Munoz Candela, Pedro 1656 GEN 1-0 Lopez Ballester, Pablo 0 GEN

Pairings of round 3 for Els Voltors

Brd. White Res. Black
9 Castillo Garcia, Adrian 1958 GEN 1-0 Sisternes Morales, Francisco 1722 GEN
12 Rodriguez Moreno, Ricardo 1685 GEN 0-1 Hernandez Sanchez, Roman 1443 GEN
21 Lopez Ballester, Victor 1509 GEN 1-0 Ortuno Lopez, Jose 0 LOC
27 Lopez Ballester, Pablo 0 GEN 0-1 Molina Lara, Alonso 1476 GEN

Pairings of round 2 for Els Voltors

Brd. White Res. Black
1 Sisternes Morales, Francisco 1722 GEN 0-1 IM Granero Roca, Antonio 2285 GEN
21 Awati Lasshab, Adnan 0 LOC 0-1 Lopez Ballester, Victor 1509 GEN
28 Lopez Ortuno, Angel 1458 GEN 1-0 Lopez Ballester, Pablo 0 GEN
30 Hernandez Sanchez, Roman 1443 GEN 1-0 Navarro Gonzalez, Nerea 0 LOC

Pairings of round 1 for Els Voltors

Brd. White Res. Black
2 Lopez Ballester, Victor 1509 GEN 0-1 IM Kovacevic, Slobodan 2185 GEN
11 Perez Garcia, Juan Angel 1920 GEN 1-0 Hernandez Sanchez, Roman 1443 GEN
17 Sisternes Morales, Francisco 1722 GEN +-- Awati Lasshab, Yussef Qusay 0 LOC
24 Lopez Ballester, Pablo 0 GEN 0-1 Pausa Mascaros, Jose Ramon 1631 GEN