XVIII Torneo Villa de Brenes 2020

Brenes (Sevilla), from 08/22/2020 to 08/22/2020
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: Fernandez Rodriguez, Jose A. (2276771)
Rate of play: 8 minutes + 3 sec/mov

Portero Monje, Jose Angel

Name Portero Monje, Jose Angel
Federation ESP
Starting rank 36
FIDE Rating 1171 24595934
National Rating 957
Final Ranking 34
Points 2.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=40) 14.00
Rating Performance 1350

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=40)
1 15 B 15 Fernandez Calzada, Juan A.
ESP 1770 1681 4.0 0 -3.20
2 15 W 25 Medina Galera, Alejandro
ESP 1565 1841 4.5 0 -3.20
3 17 B 31 Gonzalez Lopez, Francisco Jesus
ESP 1413 1375 4.0 0 -8.00
4 18 B 28 Sequeira Melgarejo, Tomas
ESP 1499 1078 3.0 1 34.80
5 15 W 16 Puig Guisado, Jaime
ESP 1746 1681 2.0 0 -3.20
6 17 W 26 Garcia Ramos, Francisco Jesus
ESP 1564 1712 3.0 0 -3.20
7 19 B 42 Portero Monje, Carla
ESP 0 829 0.0 1 0.00