1000GM 2023 NY GM/IM Fall Invitational GM-A SCHILLER
New York, from 11/08/2023 to 11/12/2023
Official website
Chief Arbiter:
IA Oscar Garcia 2098881
Deputy Arbiters:
NA Miguel Garcia 2067684
Rate of play:
90 minutes with 30 second increment from move 1
1000GM 2023 NY GM/IM Fall Invitational
Chief Organizer: IO Keith Espinosa Chief Arbiter: IA Oscar Garcia Deputy Arbiter: NA Miguel Garcia
Date November 8-12
Location Aloft Long Island City-Manhattan View (27-45 Jackson Ave, Queens, NY, 11101)
$229/$259, Book here by October 9
Format GM A: 12 Player Schiller System, IM B: 10 Player RR, IM C: 10 Player RR, IM D Qualifier: 8 Player RR, IM E Qualifier: 8 Player RR