11th NY International - Championship

New York, NY 10011, 2018-06-13 - 2018-06-17
Webgune ofiziala FIDE
Epailea: Oscar Garcia 2098881
Joko-erritmoa: 40/90 minutes, 30 minutes to finish + 30 seconds per move
June 13-17. 11th New York International - Championship Section
9-SS, 40/90, SD30 +30. Only open to players currently rated 2000+ (USCF or FIDE). FIDE ratings used for pairings and prizes. FIDE rated. $9,000 GTD: $4000-2000-1000, U2400 FIDE: $1000-500, U2300 FIDE $500. EF: $200. Players not rated USCF or FIDE over 2200: $300. GMs/Foreign IMs: Free. Local IMs: $125. All $50 more if received after May 31st. (Foreign players who play all 9 rounds receive $75.); Non-MCC Mbr: Additional $25 Mbr fee. ($5 late fee: in-person reg hour before Rd 1.) GMs Free. Rds: Wed. 7pm, Thurs. - Sun. 11am & 6pm. Two byes available, must commit before round 3; no byes available in round 9. FIDE GM/IM Norms possible; must play all rounds. Limited to 70 players! Register early!

Pressman, Leif

Izena FM Pressman, Leif
Federazioa USA
Hasierako rankinga 22
FIDE 2275 2023547
Nazionala 2440
Sailkapena 32
Puntuak 4,0
FIDE aldaketa (K=20) -36,00
Performancea 2110

Hemen agertzen diren elo aldaketak informazio gisa bakarrik agertzen dira. Ez dira aldaketa ofizialak.

Tx. M Kol. Ran. Izena Fed. FIDE Naz. Ptk. Ema Ald. (K=20)
1 21 Z 47 Barutcu, Baris
TUR 1888 2080 0,5 1 1,80
2 3 B 4 GM Paragua, Mark
PHI 2512 2620 5,5 0 -4,00
3 14 Z 41 Marin, Sam
CAN 2039 2168 4,0 1 4,00
4 5 B 3 GM Burke, John M
USA 2518 2600 6,5 0 -4,00
5 11 Z 37 Magallanes, Rey Jomar
PHI 2101 2325 3,0 0 -14,60
6 18 B 43 Zong, Davis
USA 2009 2115 3,5 0.5 -6,40
7 16 Z 44 Juac, Majur
USA 1976 2214 4,5 1 3,00
8 13 B 34 Graif, William
CAN 2156 2261 4,5 0.5 -3,20
9 13 Z 31 Tremblay, Rejean
CAN 2178 2258 5,0 0 -12,60