Vitoria, from 10/08/2022 to 11/26/2022

Chief Arbiter: Lukas Iruretagoiena (I.A. 2204916) Deputy Arbiters: Alvaro Albaina (I.D. 2259087)
Rate of play: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move

Pairings of round 2 - 10/22/2022 - 16:00

Brd. White Ran. Pts. FIDE Fed. Res. Black Ran. Pts. FIDE Fed.
1 Pelegrin Gomez, Hugo 1.0 1-0 Morante Rafael, Aritz 1.0
2 Landa Ceballos, Jose Antonio 1.0 0-1 Ladron De Guevara Galar, Francis 0.5
3 Arnal Iturgaitz, Aitor 0.5 1-0 Rodriguez Parra, Francisco Javie 0.5
4 Alvarez De Arcaya Esquide, Carlo 0.5 1-0 Gomez Calvo, Jose Ricardo 0.0
5 Miguelez Garcia, Erlantz 0.0 0-1 Marquinez Cabrejas, Francisco J. 0.0