CE Rapido Sub 16 2024

Salobreña (Granada), from 2024-07-27 to 2024-07-28
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: IA Maldonado Valdivia, German (54536847, ESP) Deputy Arbiters: FA De Mendizabal Vega, Raul (22286489, ESP)
Rate of play: 10 min + 5 s/mov
Live games
CHESS.COM: https://www.chess.com/events/2024-spanish-chess-championship-u16-rapid/games - LICHESS: https://lichess.org/broadcast/campeonato-de-espana-rapido-sub-16-2024/ronda-1/Hnm06bU7#overview


- TITULAR 1: IA José Vicente Jiménez Martínez (CTM)
- TITULAR 2: Pedro Guerrero Arroyo (EXT)

- SUPLENTE 1: José Rafael Sequera Paolini (CAT)
- SUPLENTE 2: Juan Gayá Llodra (BAL)

Player information

Players and standings for VAS

Pos. Ran. Tit. Name Fed. Pts. APRO BH BH-C1 ARO WIN FIDE FIDE ID Origin
9 122 Tafall Villanueva, Iker EUS 7.0 1901 50.0 45.0 1997 7 1626 54726433 VAS
34 141 Tafall Villanueva, Gorka EUS 6.0 1716 40.5 37.0 1842 5 1558 54726212 VAS
43 106 Sarasketa Irastortza, Oier EUS 5.5 1805 44.5 42.5 1906 5 1666 54728207 VAS
80 103 Bombin Martinez, Eder EUS 5.0 1648 37.0 34.5 1727 4 1679 54737311 VAS
131 87 Menoyo Garcia, Leire EUS 3.5 1637 32.5 30.5 1608 2 1745 94726914 VAS
139 166 Arrupe Alkorta, Mikel EUS 3.0 1626 34.5 32.5 1645 3 1431 54542758 VAS
164 95 Bilbao-Goyoaga Gutierrez, Ander EUS 2.0 1585 30.0 28.0 1565 2 1716 94787000 VAS

Player pairings for VAS

Pairings of round 9 for VAS (2024-07-28 - 13:30)

Brd. White Res. Black View
9 Tafall Villanueva, Iker 1626 EUS 1-0 Montes Molina, Ivan 2152 CAT
14 Asensio Asensio, Nicolas 2031 ARA 1-0 Sarasketa Irastortza, Oier 1666 EUS
23 Tafall Villanueva, Gorka 1558 EUS 1-0 Asensio Miranda, Carlos 1914 EXT
43 Bombin Martinez, Eder 1679 EUS 1-0 Pinyol i Llora, Julia 1824 CAT
70 Hernandez Tellez, Ada Angela 1616 AND 1-0 Arrupe Alkorta, Mikel 1431 EUS
73 Menoyo Garcia, Leire 1745 EUS 1-0 Mena Lorente, Jorge 1512 CEU
77 Garcia Pascual, Christian 1483 AND 1-0 Bilbao-Goyoaga Gutierrez, Ander 1716 EUS

Pairings of round 8 for VAS (2024-07-28 - 12:45)

Brd. White Res. Black View
9 Fuentes Guinot, Alejandro 2027 NAV 0-1 Tafall Villanueva, Iker 1626 EUS
25 Sarasketa Irastortza, Oier 1666 EUS 1-0 Aleksanyan Israilyan, Nicolas 2018 CAT
38 Romero Barkouk, Rayan 1763 VAL 0-1 Tafall Villanueva, Gorka 1558 EUS
63 Arrupe Alkorta, Mikel 1431 EUS 0-1 Bombin Martinez, Eder 1679 EUS
65 Cebolla Ruiz, Anna 1539 VAL 1-0 Menoyo Garcia, Leire 1745 EUS
82 Bilbao-Goyoaga Gutierrez, Ander 1716 EUS 1-0 Ruiz Garcia, David 1442 CTL

Pairings of round 7 for VAS (2024-07-28 - 12:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
6 Tafall Villanueva, Iker 1626 EUS 0-1 Cereijo Suarez, Alejandro 2075 GAL
24 Tafall Villanueva, Gorka 1558 EUS 0-1 Gomez Salva, Roberto 1875 AND
33 Martinez Rodriguez, Francisco Sa 1911 VAL 0-1 Sarasketa Irastortza, Oier 1666 EUS
42 Bombin Martinez, Eder 1679 EUS 0-1 Iravedra Iankov, Francisco 1830 ARA
71 Gonzalez Alarcon, Manuel Jesus 1618 AND 0-1 Arrupe Alkorta, Mikel 1431 EUS
76 Menoyo Garcia, Leire 1745 EUS 1-0 Seco de Herrera Martinez, Diego 0 AND
80 Boeta Serrano, Ainhoa 1471 AND 1-0 Bilbao-Goyoaga Gutierrez, Ander 1716 EUS

Pairings of round 6 for VAS (2024-07-28 - 10:45)

Brd. White Res. Black View
11 Mangues Rubia, Oriol 1979 CAT 0-1 Tafall Villanueva, Iker 1626 EUS
18 Sarasketa Irastortza, Oier 1666 EUS 0-1 Lozano Casasayas, Marc 1980 CAT
39 Martinez Herranz, Francisco Jose 1823 CTM 0-1 Tafall Villanueva, Gorka 1558 EUS
46 Gomez Parrado, Angel 1768 BAL ½-½ Bombin Martinez, Eder 1679 EUS
67 Arrupe Alkorta, Mikel 1431 EUS 0-1 Sanchez Lake, Alvaro 1665 VAL
69 Palomares Cortez, Tabata Sofia 1567 CTM 1-0 Menoyo Garcia, Leire 1745 EUS
74 Garuz Casado, Maria 1453 CTL 1-0 Bilbao-Goyoaga Gutierrez, Ander 1716 EUS

Pairings of round 5 for VAS (2024-07-28 - 10:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
19 Cabanas Lopez, Eduardo 1944 GAL ½-½ Sarasketa Irastortza, Oier 1666 EUS
22 Tafall Villanueva, Iker 1626 EUS 1-0 Prochaieva, Alina 1934 AST
29 Tafall Villanueva, Gorka 1558 EUS ½-½ Bosch Carrera, Laia 1921 CAT
62 Bombin Martinez, Eder 1679 EUS 1-0 Seco de Herrera Martinez, Luis 0 AND
66 Menoyo Garcia, Leire 1745 EUS ½-½ Olias Rincon, Ines 1559 CTM
67 Bilbao-Goyoaga Gutierrez, Ander 1716 EUS 0-1 Cebolla Ruiz, Anna 1539 VAL
79 Gomis Morales, Ian 1582 MAD 0-1 Arrupe Alkorta, Mikel 1431 EUS

Pairings of round 4 for VAS (2024-07-27 - 19:15)

Brd. White Res. Black View
28 Sarasketa Irastortza, Oier 1666 EUS 1-0 Torres Rebolledo, Marcos 1920 MAD
35 Tafall Villanueva, Iker 1626 EUS 1-0 Lunin Bohomolets, Iliia 1869 CAT
43 Martino Girones, Gonzalo 1864 NAV 1-0 Bombin Martinez, Eder 1679 EUS
46 Pinyol i Llora, Julia 1824 CAT 0-1 Tafall Villanueva, Gorka 1558 EUS
63 Moreno Burillo, Maria 1545 ARA 1-0 Bilbao-Goyoaga Gutierrez, Ander 1716 EUS
70 Arrupe Alkorta, Mikel 1431 EUS 0-1 Lorca Sanchez, Manuel 1663 MUR
74 Seco de Herrera Martinez, Luis 0 AND ½-½ Menoyo Garcia, Leire 1745 EUS

Pairings of round 3 for VAS (2024-07-27 - 18:30)

Brd. White Res. Black View
19 Martel Bruniaux, Malko 2105 CNT 1-0 Tafall Villanueva, Iker 1626 EUS
33 Bombin Martinez, Eder 1679 EUS ½-½ Tudela Gonzalez, Victor 1888 VAL
38 Rubial Blanco, Heriberto 1864 CTL 0-1 Sarasketa Irastortza, Oier 1666 EUS
67 Tafall Villanueva, Gorka 1558 EUS 1-0 Garcia Gonzalez, Angela 1654 MAD
68 Menoyo Garcia, Leire 1745 EUS ½-½ Gonzalez Bravo, Sofia 1511 CTL
69 Bilbao-Goyoaga Gutierrez, Ander 1716 EUS 1-0 Garcia Pascual, Angel 1496 AND
81 Barcia Vazquez, Santiago 1583 GAL 0-1 Arrupe Alkorta, Mikel 1431 EUS

Pairings of round 2 for VAS (2024-07-27 - 17:45)

Brd. White Res. Black View
38 Tafall Villanueva, Iker 1626 EUS 1-0 Suarez Hernan, Santiago 1901 MAD
44 Sprenger de la Iglesia, Yevgeni 1956 MAD 1-0 Tafall Villanueva, Gorka 1558 EUS
52 Gomis Morales, Ian 1582 MAD 1-0 Menoyo Garcia, Leire 1745 EUS
60 Hladiy, Mark 1550 VAL 1-0 Bilbao-Goyoaga Gutierrez, Ander 1716 EUS
66 Gonzalez Bravo, Sofia 1511 CTL 0-1 Bombin Martinez, Eder 1679 EUS
68 Sarasketa Irastortza, Oier 1666 EUS 1-0 Falcon Ibanez, Sarai 1497 RIO
80 Arrupe Alkorta, Mikel 1431 EUS 0-1 Sierra Pena, Mario 1640 CTL

Pairings of round 1 for VAS (2024-07-27 - 17:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
1 Menoyo Garcia, Leire 1745 EUS 0-1 FM Habans Aguerrea, Javier 2404 NAV
9 Bilbao-Goyoaga Gutierrez, Ander 1716 EUS 0-1 Martel Bruniaux, Malko 2105 CNT
17 Bombin Martinez, Eder 1679 EUS 0-1 Fuentes Guinot, Alejandro 2027 NAV
20 Arce Gonzalez, Dario 1990 AND 1-0 Sarasketa Irastortza, Oier 1666 EUS
36 Cesar Maestre, Eduardo 1933 AND 0-1 Tafall Villanueva, Iker 1626 EUS
55 Tafall Villanueva, Gorka 1558 EUS ½-½ Munoz Osete, Marcos 1850 VAL
80 Prochaieva, Olha 1758 AST 1-0 Arrupe Alkorta, Mikel 1431 EUS