Campeonato de España Sub 08 2024

Salobreña (Granada), from 2024-06-25 to 2024-06-30
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: IA Idiazabal Troyas, Aritz (2242842, ESP) Deputy Arbiters: NA Buiza Prieto, Eihartze (22250220, ESP)
Rate of play: 85 min + 5 s/mov
Live games

- TITULAR 1: José Vicente Jiménez Martínez (MEL)
- TITULAR 2: Bio Lara Granero (CTM)

- SUPLENTE 1: Javier Pérez Álvarez (MAD)
- SUPLENTE 2: Diego Espiñeira González (GAL)

Player information

Federation filter: ESP UKR All


Players and standings for CTM

Pos. Ran. Tit. Name Fed. Pts. BH BH-C1 WIN SB FIDE Nat. FIDE ID NAT ID Origin
13 78 Ortega Clemente, Lucas CTM 6.0 51.0 47.5 6 29.50 0 0 523084510 0 CTM
16 88 Sanchez Albares, Julian CTM 6.0 47.5 46.0 5 28.75 0 0 523083395 0 CTM
32 14 Del Rey Prieto, Adrian CTM 5.0 49.5 46.5 4 24.00 1454 0 94796815 0 CTM
85 80 Pellon Diaz, Dario Phuc CTM 3.0 32.5 30.5 3 8.00 0 0 535003367 0 CTM

Player pairings for CTM

Pairings of round 9 for CTM (2024-06-30 - 09:30)

Brd. White Res. Black View
4 Yerko, Dmytro 1585 VAL 1-0 Sanchez Albares, Julian 0 CTM
6 Ortega Clemente, Lucas 0 CTM 0-1 Molinero Sayas, Teo 1538 CAT
11 Garcia Gutierrez, Joel 0 NAV 1-0 Del Rey Prieto, Adrian 1454 CTM
38 Lopez Gabino, Iker 0 NAV 1-0 Pellon Diaz, Dario Phuc 0 CTM

Pairings of round 8 for CTM (2024-06-29 - 09:30)

Brd. White Res. Black View
7 Del Rey Prieto, Adrian 1454 CTM 0-1 Ortega Clemente, Lucas 0 CTM
9 Farto Camison, Gael 0 CTL --+ Sanchez Albares, Julian 0 CTM
46 Pellon Diaz, Dario Phuc 0 CTM 1-0 Jimenez Perez, Daniel 0 BAL

Pairings of round 7 for CTM (2024-06-28 - 12:30)

Brd. White Res. Black View
2 Ortega Clemente, Lucas 0 CTM 0-1 Barcelo Melnyk, Marc 1870 CAT
3 Yerko, Dmytro 1585 VAL 1-0 Del Rey Prieto, Adrian 1454 CTM
14 Fedoriaka, Platon 0 VAL 0-1 Sanchez Albares, Julian 0 CTM
42 Pellon Diaz, Dario Phuc 0 CTM 0-1 Lazaro Ayala, Elena 0 AND

Pairings of round 6 for CTM (2024-06-28 - 09:30)

Brd. White Res. Black View
2 Del Rey Prieto, Adrian 1454 CTM ½-½ Lopez Rebelles, Damian 0 AND
6 Farto Camison, Gael 0 CTL 0-1 Ortega Clemente, Lucas 0 CTM
10 Sanchez Albares, Julian 0 CTM ½-½ Valadez Cervantes, Salvador 1525 AND
48 Lliteres Danus, Llum 0 BAL 0-1 Pellon Diaz, Dario Phuc 0 CTM

Pairings of round 5 for CTM (2024-06-27 - 12:30)

Brd. White Res. Black View
4 Valadez Cervantes, Salvador 1525 AND 0-1 Del Rey Prieto, Adrian 1454 CTM
10 Ortega Clemente, Lucas 0 CTM 1-0 Barcenilla Ibeas, Sergio 0 CTL
17 Sanchez Albares, Julian 0 CTM 1-0 Gallego Moreno, Nerea 0 AND
41 Pellon Diaz, Dario Phuc 0 CTM 0-1 Illueca Mendez, Carmen 0 VAL

Pairings of round 4 for CTM (2024-06-27 - 09:30)

Brd. White Res. Black View
3 Del Rey Prieto, Adrian 1454 CTM ½-½ Valiente Zabalza, Daniel 1643 VAL
5 Molinero Sayas, Teo 1538 CAT 1-0 Sanchez Albares, Julian 0 CTM
14 Ortega Clemente, Lucas 0 CTM 1-0 Barruguer Cobo, Noa 0 VAL
34 Cuadro Perez, Paula 0 NAV 1-0 Pellon Diaz, Dario Phuc 0 CTM

Pairings of round 3 for CTM (2024-06-26 - 12:30)

Brd. White Res. Black View
6 Estrada Andreeva, Maxim 1565 CAT 1-0 Ortega Clemente, Lucas 0 CTM
8 Sanchez Albares, Julian 0 CTM ½-½ Escriva Colomar, Jose Manuel 1487 VAL
10 Seguin Camacho, Angel 0 MAD 0-1 Del Rey Prieto, Adrian 1454 CTM
31 Pellon Diaz, Dario Phuc 0 CTM 0-1 Higueras Garcia, Seth Joseph 0 AND

Pairings of round 2 for CTM (2024-06-26 - 09:30)

Brd. White Res. Black View
11 Del Rey Prieto, Adrian 1454 CTM 1-0 Miranda San Martin, Mario 0 NAV
17 Carrillo Moreno, Juan 0 AND 0-1 Ortega Clemente, Lucas 0 CTM
19 Diaz Caceres, Jordi 0 VAL 0-1 Sanchez Albares, Julian 0 CTM
39 Fernandez Roldan, Pedro 0 CEU 0-1 Pellon Diaz, Dario Phuc 0 CTM

Pairings of round 1 for CTM (2024-06-25 - 12:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
14 Martin Gonzalez, Marcos 0 CAN 0-1 Del Rey Prieto, Adrian 1454 CTM
28 Ortega Clemente, Lucas 0 CTM 1-0 Cuadro Perez, Paula 0 NAV
30 Pellon Diaz, Dario Phuc 0 CTM 0-1 De La Torre Mata, Jaime 0 BAL
38 Sanchez Albares, Julian 0 CTM 1-0 Fernandez Vergara, Leo 0 AND