Campeonato de Espana Sub 14 2024

Salobrena (Granada), from 2024-07-15 to 2024-07-20
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: IA Dominguez Coig, Alvaro 2203979 (ESP) Deputy Arbiters: FA Del Valle Domenech, Rafael 2210738 (ESP)
Rate of play: 90 min + 30 s/mov
Live games
TITULARES: Jose Vicente Jimenez (CTM)
Marc Costa Jutglar (EXT)
Javier Garrido Fernandez (AND)
SUPLENTES: Jordi Baldo (BAL)
José Sequera (CAT)

Player information

Players and standings for CAN

Pos. Ran. Tit. Name Fed. Pts. APRO BH BH-C1 ARO WIN FIDE FIDE ID Origin
34 28 Ambrona Navarro, Himar CAN 5.5 1971 52.0 48.0 1965 4 1944 94740925 CAN
46 67 Garcia Rodriguez, Adriana CAN 5.5 1847 46.0 42.5 1864 5 1837 54567165 CAN
86 13 Blanco Garcia Bajo, David CAN 4.5 1848 45.0 42.0 1773 4 2066 54583950 CAN
91 84 Diaz Reyes, Iker CAN 4.5 1791 42.0 39.5 1771 4 1787 54539820 CAN
124 87 Matos Espino, Carlos Silverio CAN 4.0 1757 40.0 37.0 1727 3 1773 54588855 CAN
125 119 Simion, Emanuel-Marian CAN 4.0 1752 39.0 37.0 1755 3 1712 1291467 CAN

Player pairings for CAN

Pairings of round 9 for CAN (2024-07-20 - 10:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
10 Garcia Rodriguez, Adriana 1837 CAN 0-1 FM Rey Martinez, Jaime 2286 MAD
15 Ambrona Navarro, Himar 1944 CAN 0-1 del Valle Crespo, Javier 1853 GAL
28 Blanco Garcia Bajo, David 2066 CAN 0-1 Prieto Rol, Esther 1791 EXT
48 Zhao, Yuyang 1827 MAD 1-0 Simion, Emanuel-Marian 1712 CAN
53 Matos Espino, Carlos Silverio 1773 CAN 0-1 Membrive Vargas, Gerard 1646 CAT
60 Diaz Reyes, Iker 1787 CAN 1-0 Lopez Molina, Paula 1644 CTL

Pairings of round 8 for CAN (2024-07-19 - 17:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
6 Krauchi Romero, Martin 2131 BAL 1-0 Ambrona Navarro, Himar 1944 CAN
18 del Valle Crespo, Javier 1853 GAL 1-0 Blanco Garcia Bajo, David 2066 CAN
23 Torrent Santonja, Adria 1935 BAL 0-1 Garcia Rodriguez, Adriana 1837 CAN
32 Mallorqui Llop, Marc 1886 CAT 1-0 Matos Espino, Carlos Silverio 1773 CAN
44 Simion, Emanuel-Marian 1712 CAN ½-½ Roure Sola, Oriol 1868 CAT
54 Roldan Garcia, Leyre 1642 VAL 1-0 Diaz Reyes, Iker 1787 CAN

Pairings of round 7 for CAN (2024-07-19 - 10:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
8 Ambrona Navarro, Himar 1944 CAN 1-0 Vilarino Lorenzo, Uxio 2002 GAL
25 Blanco Garcia Bajo, David 2066 CAN 1-0 Prieto Martin, Manuel 1761 EXT
40 Garcia Rodriguez, Adriana 1837 CAN 1-0 Agustin Blanc, Adrian 1749 ARA
51 Diaz Reyes, Iker 1787 CAN ½-½ Simion, Emanuel-Marian 1712 CAN
53 Matos Espino, Carlos Silverio 1773 CAN 1-0 De la Cruz Esteibarlanda, Ametz 1518 EUS

Pairings of round 6 for CAN (2024-07-18 - 10:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
6 Ordiz Fernandez, Roque 2120 AST ½-½ Ambrona Navarro, Himar 1944 CAN
20 Ibanez Macias, Julen 1937 AND 1-0 Garcia Rodriguez, Adriana 1837 CAN
25 AIM Alonso Vargas, David 2017 AND 1-0 Diaz Reyes, Iker 1787 CAN
41 Mukhtarkhan, Arailym 1748 AND 0-1 Blanco Garcia Bajo, David 2066 CAN
56 Morras Alonso, Gael 1632 NAV ½-½ Matos Espino, Carlos Silverio 1773 CAN
68 Simion, Emanuel-Marian 1712 CAN 1-0 Pan, Angel Jiaye 1590 MAD

Pairings of round 5 for CAN (2024-07-17 - 17:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
3 Ambrona Navarro, Himar 1944 CAN ½-½ CM Uber Gracia, Hugo 2188 CAT
21 Garcia Rodriguez, Adriana 1837 CAN ½-½ Jimenez Carrazoni, Marta Elena 1908 MAD
25 Blanco Garcia Bajo, David 2066 CAN 0-1 Ibanez Valentin, Gabriel 1879 MAD
45 Garcia Rodriguez, Laia 1824 CAT 1-0 Simion, Emanuel-Marian 1712 CAN
51 Diaz Reyes, Iker 1787 CAN 1-0 Colomer Martinez, Isabel 1705 VAL
52 Matos Espino, Carlos Silverio 1773 CAN ½-½ Garcia-Munoz Arias, Diego 1689 CTM

Pairings of round 4 for CAN (2024-07-17 - 10:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
5 Ambrona Navarro, Himar 1944 CAN ½-½ Herman Gamazo, Isaac 2108 CAT
16 Bermudez Salmon, Mateo Tomas 1813 CNT ½-½ Blanco Garcia Bajo, David 2066 CAN
24 Molina Gil, Noah 1918 CAT 1-0 Diaz Reyes, Iker 1787 CAN
26 Marin Ripoll, Marti 1914 CAT 1-0 Matos Espino, Carlos Silverio 1773 CAN
39 Membrive Vargas, Gerard 1646 CAT 0-1 Garcia Rodriguez, Adriana 1837 CAN
74 Simion, Emanuel-Marian 1712 CAN 1-0 Lopez Mantecon, Iker 1551 CNT

Pairings of round 3 for CAN (2024-07-16 - 10:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
14 Diaz Reyes, Iker 1787 CAN 0-1 Ambrona Navarro, Himar 1944 CAN
15 Matos Espino, Carlos Silverio 1773 CAN 0-1 Ibanez Macias, Julen 1937 AND
35 Blanco Garcia Bajo, David 2066 CAN 1-0 Antonanzas Fernandez, Mario 1758 NAV
43 Herraiz Ciudad, Miguel 1883 MAD 1-0 Simion, Emanuel-Marian 1712 CAN
50 Garcia Rodriguez, Adriana 1837 CAN 1-0 Garcia-Munoz Arias, Diego 1689 CTM

Pairings of round 2 for CAN (2024-07-15 - 17:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
10 Alonso Gimenez, Mauro 2098 CAT 1-0 Garcia Rodriguez, Adriana 1837 CAN
23 Ambrona Navarro, Himar 1944 CAN 1-0 Osuna Smyshlyayev, Ivan 1788 ARA
26 Diaz Reyes, Iker 1787 CAN 1-0 Sarasketa Irastortza, Oier 1936 EUS
28 San Vicente Crespo, Pablo 1921 MAD 0-1 Matos Espino, Carlos Silverio 1773 CAN
56 Petergova, Stella 1611 CAT 0-1 Blanco Garcia Bajo, David 2066 CAN
77 Simion, Emanuel-Marian 1712 CAN 1-0 Moreno Yuste, Alicia 1471 CTL

Pairings of round 1 for CAN (2024-07-15 - 10:00)

Brd. White Res. Black View
13 Blanco Garcia Bajo, David 2066 CAN 0-1 Souto Corredoura, Hugo 1739 GAL
21 Herraiz Gomez, Iker 1993 VAL 1-0 Simion, Emanuel-Marian 1712 CAN
28 Tello Alvarez, Erik 1705 CAT 0-1 Ambrona Navarro, Himar 1944 CAN
67 Garcia Rodriguez, Adriana 1837 CAN 1-0 Cardona Galea, Alejandro 1526 BAL
84 Permanyer Barro, Noa 1425 BAL 0-1 Diaz Reyes, Iker 1787 CAN
87 Matos Espino, Carlos Silverio 1773 CAN 1-0 Arregui Gonzalez, Keira 0 NAV