Campeonato de España Sub-10

Salobreña, from 06/27/2016 to 07/02/2016
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: (IA) Luis Blasco de la Cruz Deputy Arbiters: (AN) Aritz Idiazabal Troyas
Rate of play: 90 minutos + 30 segundos por jugada
Live games

Torrents Busquet, Foix

Name Torrents Busquet, Foix
Federation ESP
Starting rank 143
FIDE Rating 0 24538132
National Rating 0
Final Ranking 69
Points 4.5
FIDE Rating variation (K=40) 0.00
Rating Performance 1168

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=40)
1 71 B 71 Suarez Gomez, Paula
ESP 1019 1015 3.5 1 0.00
2 33 W 43 Serrano Almendros, Angel
ESP 1223 1213 5.5 1 0.00
3 15 B 3 Aguado Doncel, Pablo Luis
ESP 1550 1589 6.5 0 0.00
4 30 W 45 Blanco Martin, Oscar
ESP 1213 1343 6.0 0 0.00
5 46 B 74 Acevedo Egido, David
ESP 0 0 4.5 0.5 0.00
6 42 W 67 Martinez Soriano, Pablo
ESP 1059 1046 3.5 1 0.00
7 28 B 47 Ano Pla, Gerard
ESP 1198 1202 6.0 0 0.00
8 41 W 61 Otero Campos, Sofia
ESP 1092 1027 4.5 1 0.00
9 29 B 55 Seoane Castilla, Raul
ESP 1166 1105 5.5 0 0.00