Player information
Players and standings for JOSE RAUL CAPABLANCA
Pos. | Ran. | Tit. | Name | Fed. | Pts. | BH-C1 | BH | ARO | WON | BWG | FIDE | Nat. | BDay. | FIDE ID | NAT ID | Origin |
14 | 32 | Granero Marquez, Juan Jose | ESP | 3.0 | 17.5 | 19.5 | 1808 | 2 | 1 | 1707 | 1628 | 1960 | 94710643 | 1158 | JOSE RAUL CAPABLANCA |
Player pairings for JOSE RAUL CAPABLANCA
Pairings of round 6 for JOSE RAUL CAPABLANCA (2024-05-18 - 16:30) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
11 | Granero Marquez, Juan Jose | 1707 | ESP | 1-0 | Vazquez Candela, Manuel | 1682 | ESP |
Pairings of round 5 for JOSE RAUL CAPABLANCA (2024-05-11 - 16:30) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
8 | Ballesteros Borondo, Victor Jesus | 1860 | ESP | 1-0 | Granero Marquez, Juan Jose | 1707 | ESP |
Pairings of round 4 for JOSE RAUL CAPABLANCA (2024-05-01 - 10:00) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
4 | Granero Marquez, Juan Jose | 1707 | ESP | 0-1 | Mazo Ganan, Victor Manuel | 1817 | ESP |
Pairings of round 3 for JOSE RAUL CAPABLANCA (2024-04-27 - 16:30) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
8 | Cohen Gomez, Daniel | 1825 | ESP | 0-1 | Granero Marquez, Juan Jose | 1707 | ESP |
Pairings of round 2 for JOSE RAUL CAPABLANCA (2024-04-13 - 16:30) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
13 | Guerra Pendon, Miguel | 1767 | ESP | --+ | Granero Marquez, Juan Jose | 1707 | ESP |
Pairings of round 1 for JOSE RAUL CAPABLANCA (2024-04-06 - 16:30h) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
12 | Granero Marquez, Juan Jose | 1707 | ESP | 0-1 | Ruiz Alcaide, Juan Luis | 1854 | ESP |