Campeonato Femenino De Euskadi

Laudio, from 2022-06-11 to 2022-06-12
Chief Arbiter: Miguel Angel Almansa Martin
Rate of play: 60 minutes + 30 seconds per move
Live games

FIDE rating variation

Federation filter: ESP FRA MEX All

Origin filter: ARA BIZ GIP NAV All

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Ran. Tit. Name Fed. FIDE K Var. RP FIDE ID Origin
1 Ruiz Font, Elisabet ESP 2048 20 2.60 1821 2200490 GIP
2 WFM Parkhurst Casas, Miriam MEX 1970 20 3.00 1786 5116520 BIZ
3 Perez Sodupe, Cecilia ESP 1823 20 -5.00 1643 24514764 GIP
4 Velte, Daniela ESP 1639 20 8.20 1615 2265834 GIP
5 Menoyo Alonso, Isabel ESP 1598 40 -25.20 1110 2211491 BIZ
6 Larrakoetxea Gorostidi, Jiashang ESP 1484 40 15.20 1542 54779138 ARA
7 Zubizarreta Landera, Maddi ESP 1371 40 -3.20 1266 24589845 BIZ
8 Apellaniz Perez, Estibaliz ESP 1366 20 10.80 1513 24562254 GIP
9 Junquera Ciaurriz, Maria Teresa ESP 1300 20 -33.20 764 22283692 ARA
10 Lera Cunado, Nora ESP 1258 40 9.60 1261 54775264 GIP
11 Alfaro Aldunate, Amaya ESP 1185 40 -1.60 1216 54764653 NAV
12 Apellaniz Perez, Miriam ESP 1123 40 0.80 1187 54538092 GIP
13 Martin Ochoa De Retana, Ane ESP 1119 40 3.20 1344 54589487 ARA
14 Jimenez Legazque, Irune ESP 1096 40 48.40 1393 54732140 GIP
15 Fontaine, Josette FRA 1069 40 -20.00 380 20651953 GIP
16 Torres Camacho, Sayoa ESP 0 40 0.00 1379 54736196 NAV
17 Menoyo Garcia, Leyre ESP 0 40 0.00 1573 94726914 BIZ
18 Rodriguez Redondo, Romina ESP 0 40 0.00 952 54536138 BIZ
19 Jorrin Herrero, Iraide ESP 0 40 0.00 1124 54506867 BIZ
20 Eguia Larrinaga, Itsasne ESP 0 40 0.00 1027 54512832 ARA
21 Arroyo Santos, Gema ESP 0 40 0.00 545 94708347 ARA