Cto Provincial Individual Preferente. Xeraco 2015

Platja de Xeraco, from 10/03/2015 to 11/21/2015
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: IA Vicente Fernando Gomez Roca Deputy Arbiters: AN Jose Joaquín Bas Sánchez / DIRECCIÓN DE JUEGO ---> Centre Civic, Plaça del Quartell s/n, PLATJA DE XERACO / DIRECCIÓN DEL ÁRBITRO para byes (hasta martes 21h) y consultas ---> vicent(arroba)ajedrezcullera.org
Rate of play: Standard: 90 minutes with 30 second increment from move 1

Canamas Soler, Jose Vicente

Name Canamas Soler, Jose Vicente
Federation ESP
Starting rank 2
FIDE Rating 1931 2281970
National Rating 1907
Final Ranking 2
Points 4.5
FIDE Rating variation (K=20) 6.40
Rating Performance 1961

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=20)
1 2 W 10 Fenollar Marti, Jordi
ESP 1809 1798 4.0 1 6.60
2 1 B 13 Bonell Selles, Juan
ESP 1770 1807 3.0 1 5.80
3 1 W 6 Miquel Badenes, Indalecio
ESP 1855 1833 4.5 1 8.00
4 1 B 3 Sendra Tormo, Juan
ESP 1881 1872 5.0 0 -11.40
5 1 W 4 Oltra Landete, Fidel
ESP 1878 1840 3.5 1 8.60
6 1 B 1 Monllor Garcia, Yolanda
ESP 2014 2025 4.5 0 -7.80
7 2 W 9 Custard Gasco, Daniel
ESP 1809 1799 4.0 0.5 -3.40