Campionato Provincial Ourense 2025 Absoluto

Ourense, from 2025-01-25 to 2025-01-26
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: IA Gonzalez Gandara, David (2289180, ESP) Deputy Arbiters: Dopazo Vazquez, Ivan (54537819, ESP) Castro Gandara, David (24557862, ESP)
Rate of play: 60 minutes + 30 seconds
Sedes do torneo: Centro Cívico "A Cuña" (sábado 25 tarde, domingo 26 tarde) e Sede do Club Xadrez Ourense, en Ramón Cabanillas, 10 (domingo 26 mañá)
Desempates: Buchholz cut-1 (BH-C1), Bucholz total (BH), Sonneborn-Berger (SB)
Rolda 1: Centro Cívico "A Cuña" - 15:30
Rolda 2: Centro Cívico "A Cuña" - 18:15
Rolda 3: Sede Club Xadrez Ourense (Ramón Cabanillas 10 - entreplanta Local 3) - 9:15
Rolda 4: Sede Club Xadrez Ourense - 12:00
Rolda 5: Centro Cívico "A Cuña" - 16:15

Soares Barreiro, Anna

Name Soares Barreiro, Anna
Federation ESP
Starting rank 28
FIDE Rating 1444 523083824
Final Ranking 24
Points 2.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=40) -2.40
Rating Performance 1434

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Pts. Res. Var. (K=40)
1 11 B 11 Rivero Rodriguez, Hugo
ESP 1731 3.0 0 -6.40
2 14 W 21 Torres Soto, Xacobe
ESP 1521 1.5 1 24.40
3 9 B 13 Galguera Reyes, Lazaro
ESP 1710 3.0 0 -7.20
4 11 W 19 Ferreiro Vazquez, Jose Manuel
ESP 1572 3.0 0 -13.20
5 16 B 34 Cid Gallego, Socorro
ESP 0 1.0 1 0.00