CE Sub 12 2016

Salobreña [Granada], del 2016-07-04 al 2016-07-09
Official website FIDE
Árbitro: Oiarzabal Iturrioz, Enrique [IA.22236937.C] Árbitros axudantes: Ruiz De Toro, C.R. [NA], R.Cuesta, G.J.Anaya
Ritmo de xogo: Stn.: 90 minutes with 30 second increment from move 1

Garcia-maurino Ayora, Gabriel

Nome Garcia-maurino Ayora, Gabriel
Federación ESP
Starting rank 41
FIDE 1545 32085575
Nacional 1679
Clasificación final 19
Puntos 6,0
Variación FIDE (K=40) -35,60
Rating Performance 1425

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. M. Col. Ran. Nome Fed. FIDE Nac. Pts. Res. Var. (K=40)
1 41 B 124 Roca Planas, Edgar
ESP 1182 1182 5,0 1 4,00
2 37 B 132 Lozano Serrano, Nuria
ESP 1133 1125 3,0 1 3,20
3 9 B 12 Reyes Penas, Sebastian
ESP 1746 1807 7,5 0 -9,60
4 30 B 82 Puzik, Denys
ESP 1352 1332 5,5 0 -30,00
5 40 B 106 Herrera Salvador, Francisco Alej
ESP 1266 1272 5,5 1 6,40
6 31 B 84 Amate Sanchez, Alberto Javier
ESP 1346 1359 5,5 0 -30,40
7 40 B 108 Santos Rodriguez, Marcos
ESP 1259 1230 4,0 1 6,40
8 30 B 78 Mugica Arratibel, Daniel
ESP 1380 1382 5,0 1 11,20
9 23 B 137 Garcia Gil, Oriol
ESP 1037 1024 5,0 1 3,20