Final Extremadura 2023 Tramo Elo Sub2300

Badajoz (Extremadura), from 05/27/2023 to 05/27/2023
Official website
Chief Arbiter: Luis Blasco de la Cruz (2219107) Deputy Arbiters: Jose R. Chamorro (22213619) N. Gallego (32039212)
Rate of play: 60 minutes + 30 seconds per move
Live games

FIDE rating variation

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Ran. Tit. Name Fed. FIDE K Var. RP FIDE ID
1 Garcia Romero, Benjamin Abel ESP 2206 20 16.00 2932 2221926
2 Castellanos Mendoza, David ESP 2146 20 -0.60 2137 2295105
3 Gallardo Retortillo, Enrique ESP 2068 20 -6.40 1939 2214113
4 Jaramago Ledo, Javier ESP 2119 40 -18.00 1944 24520020