II Open Internacional de Sant Joan d Alacant

Sant Joan d'Alacant, from 2019-07-02 to 2019-07-07
Chief Arbiter: FA Joaquin Corbi Marti
Rate of play: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move
Organizador: Jose Antonio Garcia Domingo

Unpaired players

Ran. Tit. Name R. 1 R. 2 R. 3 R. 4 R. 5 R. 6 R. 7 R. 8 R. 9
3 IM Milchev, Nikolay 0 0 0 0
13 FM Sanchez Jerez, Emilio Miguel = = =
14 CM Fernandez De Bobadilla, Gabriel = =
16 Villar Reymundo, Juan Antonio = = = =
18 Gnydka, Yaroslav = 0
21 Vrana, Rudy C 0
22 WFM Gil Quilez, Sonia = = =
27 Moya Albaladejo, Jose Antonio = =
30 Gordero Montoya, Felix = =
31 Galindo Montoya, Diego = = = =
33 Esquerdo Nogueroles, Gaspar = = 0
34 Gonzalez Pabollet, Jesus Maria S = = = =
37 Cid Garcia, Ramon = = = 0
38 Joao, Amaral 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 Campos Busquiel, Alejandro 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 Pujante Martinez, Rafael = =
41 Custard Gasco, Daniela Brenda 0
42 Pena Rubio, Cesar = 0
43 Lopez Escribano, Oscar = = = =
44 Rondon Chacon, Yolys Desiree = =
46 Gomez Lopez, Pedro = = = =
48 Perez Travieso, Saul = = 0
50 Gomez Alonso, Oscar = = =
51 Nedelcheva, Vania = = = = 0 0 0 0
52 Lopez Alegria, Ramon = = =
54 Lario Cortes, Jose Maria = = 0
55 Perez Pinazo, Jose Oscar = = 0
57 Agullo Valcarcel, Carlos =
58 Lines, David = =
59 Munoz Osete, Marcos = =
60 Valentinov, Mitko 0 0 0 0 0 0
61 Gutierrez Rodriguez, Alvaro = = =
62 Cornu, Michel = = =
64 Wu, Yugong = = =
65 Ortega Moya, Juan Francisco = = = =
68 Berenguer Sanchis, Juan Vicente =
70 De Pablo Valero, Alonso = = = 0
72 Velayos Hernando, Olmo = =
73 Manfredini, Francis 0 0 0
74 Alberola Reig, Francisco =
75 Vlemincq, Benoit = = =
76 Galian Garcia, Carlos = = = = 0 0 0 0
77 Notario Poveda, Sergio =
78 Orts Tomas, Leo +
79 Velayos Garcinuno, Emilio = =
81 Pinilla Alvarez, Jose Carlos +
82 Harutyunyan, Hayk =
83 Lario Pla, Alejandro + = = 0
85 Fortes Sanchez, Carmina 0
86 Khrapov, Bogdan An. = = = =
87 Serra Fortes, Elisa = 0
88 Benbekka, Rayen = = = =
89 Benbekka, Yamen = = = =
90 Bazizi, Bilal = = = =
91 Haddadi , Rachid = = = =