II Torneig Infantil l'Olleria

l'Olleria, from 2024-05-26 to 2024-05-26

Chief Arbiter: AA José Enrique Lluch Ventura
Rate of play: 7 minuts + 3 segons d'increment per jugada
II Circuit Intercomarcal

Player information

Players and standings for Yeclano

Pos. Ran. Tit. Name Fed. Pts. BH-C1 BH SB User FIDE Nat. FIDE ID NAT ID Origin
8 14 Forte Llorens, Antonio ESP 5.5 25.5 28.5 21.50 0.0 1465 0 54717680 0 Yeclano
11 29 Santa Tobarra, Arturo ESP 5.0 27.0 30.0 19.50 0.0 0 112 54717477 0 Yeclano

Player pairings for Yeclano

Pairings of round 7 for Yeclano (2024-05-26 - 13:00)

Brd. White Res. Black
6 Forte Llorens, Antonio 1465 ESP 1-0 Martinez Sanchez, Zaira 1560 ESP
13 Santa Tobarra, Arturo 0 ESP 1-0 Pallares Jornet, Javier 0 ESP

Pairings of round 6 for Yeclano (2024-05-26 - 12:30)

Brd. White Res. Black
7 March Lleti, Eric 1434 ESP 0-1 Forte Llorens, Antonio 1465 ESP
15 Terol Frances, Javier 0 ESP 0-1 Santa Tobarra, Arturo 0 ESP

Pairings of round 5 for Yeclano (2024-05-26 - 12:00)

Brd. White Res. Black
7 Santa Tobarra, Arturo 0 ESP 0-1 Hernandez Estornell, Javier 1580 ESP
14 Forte Llorens, Antonio 1465 ESP 1-0 Gonzalez Castella, Didac 0 ESP

Pairings of round 4 for Yeclano (2024-05-26 - 11:30)

Brd. White Res. Black
6 Gonzalez Hernandez, Daniel 1412 ESP 1-0 Forte Llorens, Antonio 1465 ESP
16 Simon Gandia, Erik 0 ESP 0-1 Santa Tobarra, Arturo 0 ESP

Pairings of round 3 for Yeclano (2024-05-26 - 11:00)

Brd. White Res. Black
4 Forte Llorens, Antonio 1465 ESP ½-½ Piera Andres, Isaac 1648 ESP
15 Santa Tobarra, Arturo 0 ESP 1-0 Acias Hernandez, Julio 0 ESP

Pairings of round 2 for Yeclano (2024-05-26 - 10:30)

Brd. White Res. Black
6 Terol San Lorenzo, German 1609 ESP 1-0 Santa Tobarra, Arturo 0 ESP
13 Alfaro Simon, Ivan 0 ESP 0-1 Forte Llorens, Antonio 1465 ESP

Pairings of round 1 for Yeclano (2024-05-26 - 10:00)

Brd. White Res. Black
13 Forte Llorens, Antonio 1465 ESP 1-0 Arago Monzo, Pau 0 ESP
27 Santa Tobarra, Arturo 0 ESP 1-0 Montaner Llario, Hector 0 ESP