IV Concello de Carballo Clasico

Carballo, from 09/01/2021 to 09/08/2021

Chief Arbiter: FA Cubero Ferreiro, Rodrigo (FIDE ID-2209683) Deputy Arbiters: De Prado Rodriguez, Oscar Bruno (FIDE ID-2203600)
Rate of play: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move

Pairings of round 9 - 09/08/2021 - 16:00

Brd. White Ran. Pts. FIDE Fed. Res. Black Ran. Pts. FIDE Fed. View
1 GM Gukesh D 7.0 1-0 Rey Malde, Henrique 5.5
2 GM Narciso Dublan, Marc 6.5 ½-½ GM Larino Nieto, David 5.5
3 FM Gomez Dieguez, David 5.5 ½-½ Del Prado Rodriguez, Xulio 6.5
4 Rajini Kanth D 5.0 0-1 IM Espineira Gonzalez, Diego 6.0
5 Buitron Ramil, David 5.0 0-1 Arauz Alonso, Fernando 5.0
6 Cacheiro Blanco, Diego 5.0 1-0 Amado Fernandez, Nicolas 5.0
7 Seijo Beltran, Javier 4.5 0-1 Sixto Puente, Eloy 4.5
8 Aayush Bhattacherjee 4.5 1-0 Blanco Dans, Manuel 4.5
9 Casares Ripoll, Fernando 4.5 0-1 Cernadas Camean, David 4.5
10 Carril Garcia, Luis 4.5 ½-½ Fernandez Ramos, Iago 4.5
11 Regatos Gomez, David 4.5 0-1 Cereijo Suarez, Alejandro 4.5
12 Longueira Alonso, Breixo 4.5 1-0 Fernandez Otero, Jose 4.5
13 WFM Patino Garcia, Corals 4.0 1-0 De Paz Sanmartin, Jose Angel 4.0
14 Garcia Martin, Juan Manuel 4.0 0-1 Dominguez Conde, Hugo 3.5
15 Canedo Antelo, Manuel 3.5 0-1 Lema Garcia, Ramiro 3.5
16 Gonzalez Sanchez, Javier 3.5 1-0 Manana Pedreira, Mario 3.5
17 Pousada Estevez, Daniel 3.5 1-0 Marrozos Loureiro, Uxia 3.5
18 Villodas Vazquez, Alejandro 3.5 1-0 Manrique Garcia, Daniel 3.5
19 Herrador Segade, Hugo 3.5 0-1 Barcia Vazquez, Santiago 3.5
20 Calvo Vieito, Roberto 3.0 0-1 Gonzalez-Chas Pico, Matias 3.0
21 Vilacoba Casal, Sergio 2.5 0-1 Calvo Miguez, Sergio 3.0
22 Mendez Rey, Daniel 2.5 1-0 Teixeira Pazos, Javier 2.5
23 Camean Paz, M Teresa 2.0 0-1 Castro Martinez, Sergio 1.5
24 Antelo Paredes, Pablo 1.5 +  
25 Cereijo Suarez, Nerea 3.0 0  
26 Koebele, Winfried 2.5 0  
27 Lopez Grana, Carmen 2.5 0  
28 Belo, Andre Nabais Moura 2.0 0  
29 GM Delgado Ramirez, Neuris 0.5 0