Player information
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Origin filter: 64 Villalba Alcoy Alfaz del Pi Alicante Aspe Ateneo PI Elx Casino de Beniajan Cibeles Ciudad Real Enric Valor Escola Luguesa Filantropos GEVA-CEA Gambito Benimaclet Independiente La Vila Lapuerta Laredo Mar Menor Mutxamel Parque Sur Puerta Elvira Puig d'en Valls Real Oviedo Salcedo Santurtzi Sauces Solvay Tomelloso Torres Blancas Tortosa Villarrobledo Xabia Xeraco Xixona All
Players and standings for Mutxamel
Pos. | Ran. | Tit. | Name | Fed. | Pts. | Buc1 | BucT | S-B | Mwns | FIDE | Nat. | BDay. | FIDE ID | NAT ID | Origin |
40 | 56 | Vlemincq, Benoit | ESP | 4.0 | 33.0 | 36.0 | 14.00 | 3 | 1314 | 1310 | 1962 | 54584779 | 36599 | Mutxamel |
Player pairings for Mutxamel
Pairings of round 9 for Mutxamel (2020-12-30 - 16:30) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
16 | Vlemincq, Benoit | 1314 | ESP | 0-1 | Sanleon Pravisano, Nieves | 1847 | ESP |
Pairings of round 8 for Mutxamel (2020-12-30 - 9:30) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
20 | Siscar Conill, Aitor | 1844 | ESP | 0-1 | Vlemincq, Benoit | 1314 | ESP |
Pairings of round 7 for Mutxamel (2020-12-29 - 17:00) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
16 | Pujante Martinez, Rafael | 1911 | ESP | 1-0 | Vlemincq, Benoit | 1314 | ESP |
Pairings of round 6 for Mutxamel (2020-12-29 - 10:00) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
16 | Vlemincq, Benoit | 1314 | ESP | ½-½ | Robledo Sanchez, Saul | 1678 | ESP |
Pairings of round 5 for Mutxamel (2020-12-28 - 17:00) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
22 | Vlemincq, Benoit | 1314 | ESP | 1-0 | Tomas Parra, Samuel | 1554 | ESP |
Pairings of round 4 for Mutxamel (2020-12-28 - 10:00) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
26 | Bautista Rodriguez, Jose | 1480 | ESP | 0-1 | Vlemincq, Benoit | 1314 | ESP |
Pairings of round 3 for Mutxamel (2020-12-27 - 17:00) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
23 | Vlemincq, Benoit | 1314 | ESP | 0-1 | Lario Cortes, Jose Maria | 1651 | ESP |
Pairings of round 2 for Mutxamel (2020-12-27 - 10:00) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
18 | Noblejas Carreto, Victor | 1865 | ESP | 1-0 | Vlemincq, Benoit | 1314 | ESP |
Pairings of round 1 for Mutxamel (2020-12-26 - 17:00) |
Brd. | White | Res. | Black | ||||
33 | Vlemincq, Benoit | 1314 | ESP | = |