VI Torneo Ciudad de Pontevedra - Grupo A - Masters

Pontevedra, from 2018-08-08 to 2018-08-14
Official website FIDE
Chief Arbiter: (IA) Luis Blasco de la Cruz
Rate of play: 90 minutes + 30 seconds per move
Live games
La clasificacion oficial está en Chess-Results ya que el 1er desempate es Sistema ARPO (Average Recursive Performance of Opponents).
Official standing is in Chess-Results , because 1st tiebreak is ARPO System (Average Recursive Performance of Opponents).

Nayhebaver, Martin

Name IM Nayhebaver, Martin
Federation SVK
Starting rank 12
FIDE Rating 2453 14923432
National Rating 2438
Final Ranking 9
Points 6.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=10) 0.80
Rating Performance 2440

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=10)
1 12 B 44 Fernandez Lopez, Ruben
ESP 2106 2099 4.0 1 1.10
2 9 W 30 FM Galiana Fernandez, Adrian
ESP 2291 2286 5.0 1 2.90
3 3 B 5 GM Petkov, Vladimir
FID 2494 2500 5.5 0 -4.40
4 8 W 51 Andias, Joao Pedro Menezes
POR 2036 0 4.5 1 0.80
5 4 B 7 IM Pena Gomez, Manuel
ESP 2483 2481 6.0 0 -4.60
6 6 W 32 IM Praveen Kumar C
IND 2238 0 5.0 1 2.30
7 4 W 2 GM Martinez Duany, Lelys Stanley
CUB 2544 0 5.5 0 -3.80
8 10 B 24 IM Krutti, Valer
HUN 2312 0 4.5 1 3.10
9 8 W 21 FM Pazos Porta, Antonio
ESP 2335 2306 5.0 1 3.40