Social Antonio Rico

Gijón, from 2017-04-28 to 2017-05-26

Chief Arbiter: Belarmino García Suárez ID FIDE 24576174
Rate of play: 15 minutos + 5 segundos/movimiento
Centro Municipal Integrado del Llano

Fernandez Delgado, Omar

Name Fernandez Delgado, Omar
Federation ESP
Starting rank 28
FIDE Rating 0 54520665
National Rating 0
Final Ranking 36
Points 3.0
FIDE Rating variation (K=40) 0.00
Rating Performance 807

The rating variations shown here have only informative purposes. They are not official variations.

Rd. Brd. Col. Ran. Name Fed. FIDE Nat. Pts. Res. Var. (K=40)
1 12 B 40 Rodriguez Lopez, Luis I
ESP 0 0 3.0 0 0.00
2 19 W 47 Sipion Amoretti, Fabio
ESP 0 0 4.0 + 0.00
3 14 W 51 Valeiro Vega, Ricardo
ESP 0 0 4.5 0 0.00
4 19 B 31 Garcia Alonso, Sergio
ESP 0 0 3.0 - 0.00
5 20 B 53 Feito Nuevo, Asier
ESP 0 0 1.0 + 0.00
6 15 B 47 Sipion Amoretti, Fabio
ESP 0 0 4.0 0 0.00
7 18 W 37 Ordiz Sanchez, Raquel
ESP 0 0 1.5 1 0.00