Campeonato Navarro Absoluto Por Equipos Tercera Grupo 1 2022

Pamplona, from 10/15/2022 to 11/26/2022

Chief Arbiter: Malon Insausti Andres (24513644)
Rate of play: 60 min + 30sec/per move


Pos. Ran. Name Fed. Pts. MatPnt GamPnt Dir_Enc SB_GM WBoard Rating average Origin Region
1 Orvina C ESP 7.0 7 15.5 0 49 5.75 1415
2 San Juan C ESP 7.0 7 14 0 62 5.70 732
3 Tafalla A ESP 7.0 7 12 0 60 5.60 346
4 Zaldi Zuri ESP 6.0 6 9 0 47 3.80 752
5 Mikel Gurea D ESP 3.0 3 6.5 0 18 2.35 296
6 Oberena G ESP 0.0 0 3 0 0 0.80 1262